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brake band thickness

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Would any of you happen to know what the thickness of the material on the brake band should be when new?  I believe I have way too much travel in the brake pedal and although I've tried to make adjustments to the brake, stopping quickly is dicey and it might be time to spring for a new band.



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I think it is only about 1/8" thick when new.  I think Dave's Tractor World (vendor) sells it.  :)


I edited this post to say the material is 3/16" thick.  :)

Edited by stevasaurus

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Not sure what tractor you have, but on my C-120 if you adjust the peddle travel down to far the parking brake will not work.

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Not sure what tractor you have, but on my C-120 if you adjust the peddle travel down to far the parking brake will not work.

I found that out the hard way when I was "experimenting" with different ways to adjust the brake.  I put some washers under the head of the long adjustment bolt to see if that would reduce the pedal travel and that any slop out of the band and it worked great until I tried to use the brake pawl to keep the pedal locked and found that it no longer would engage.  So back to square one...  ;-)


I'll also look into the brake band material in Ebay too!


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Those brake band liners that are on eBay were made by me from material purchased from McMaster and Carr. http://www.mcmaster.com/#6175K813

The only difference is that I cut them to the proper length, and bored two holes to go over top of the brake band rivets.

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