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need part #'s

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for a 1984 GT-1800 auto trany i blow my seals out and now leaking trany oil need a rebiuled kit part #'s if it is still there

the leak has been there but mad it worth this time

Edited by rj24

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Here is a manual on the lift valve and cylinder.

The last time I checked the part numbers had been changed up but still available from Toro.


For the left wheel to move like that either the hub is loose on the axle or the axle bearing has failed. They can ruin an axle if left too long. A failed bearing or axle would explain the oil seal leak.



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ok thanks

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post-12452-0-97717900-1392947904.jpg how a bout this is this ok whis is the bad side

post-12452-0-26659500-1392947960.jpg this is the good side

I thank that is how it go's

Edited by rj24

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do you know if this is ok for the hub to move in and out on the right side but the left side dose not od it

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Are you talking the hub itself...or the axle that is moving???  The hub should not move in and out on the axle.  The axle could move in and out about 1/8" and is still OK...just play between the axle gear and the "C" clip.  :)

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Are you talking the hub itself...or the axle that is moving???  The hub should not move in and out on the axle.  The axle could move in and out about 1/8" and is still OK...just play between the axle gear and the "C" clip.  :)

i thank its the axle you can see it in the pic but when it movers on the left side it leack a lot of oil

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Jack up the rear end of the tractor...remove the tires and hubs...both sides.  You should have little to no axle movement up and down...or side to side.  This would tell you if you have a bad axle bearing.  In and out movement of the axle should be about 1/8"...the slack between the axle gear and the "C" clip inside the trans.  If the "C" clip is gone, you could possibly pull out the axle from the trans.  Do not pull it out...you will have to open up the transmission to put it back in...but you would have to open the transmission to fix the "C" clip anyway.  You can pry the seals out with an awl or ice pick and replace them if all else is OK.  Wheel Horse #6449 for the seals from TORO. :)

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