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C-175 with Blower sets all-time record

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I think it's official.

I have had the C-175 hooked to or alternating with my snowblower for the better part of 7 years. I have used the blower more this year than I have in all the previous years combined. I believe I have moved snow with it 8 times so far this year. There were two years since 2008 that I never fired it up during a winter. Made me begin to wonder why I took it off and put it on each year and it's why it stays on that tractor now.

Looks like it may be back out again on Tuesday morning before we get an inch of rain and mid-50's later in the week. (Followed by frogs and locusts). 




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I hear ya. I always have two tractors set up in my garage ready for snow duty so my son and I can tag team a huge snow event, but one of em always ends up doing nothing. So this year I only brought one up to the garage and left the other in my shed (trapped by the 18" of snow now till spring!). Well go figure I could have used an extra machine this winter as we have been getting hit with snow often and deep!


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I hear ya. I always have two tractors set up in my garage ready for snow duty so my son and I can tag team a huge snow event, but one of em always ends up doing nothing. So this year I only brought one up to the garage and left the other in my shed (trapped by the 18" of snow now till spring!). Well go figure I could have used an extra machine this winter as we have been getting hit with snow often and deep!


Before I lost my mind and packed the place with many tractors, I had two tractors and it was great!

I highly recommend a two tractor plan at minimum.

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