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Winter Storm Nika What could possibly go wrong?????

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Had to Shovel and I mean S H O V E L all day at work. We got 3 inches in 45 min at one point. Boss was begging us to stay late. Then the snow stopped and we got to go home on time. OH GOODY!! I get to go home and play on the Horses!   :) Should have known better. First I got some brand new Carhartt Extreme bibs. Nice and toasty but slippery and stiff. Got out to the shop and fired up the 160. Warmed up the hydro and was cleaning around the dumpster and I tripped and fell over the blade and almost bashed in the hood. Then getting on my slippery coveralls plus a slippery seat I slid and nudged the motion lever. Plow hits my overhead door sensor. I fix that. Then I plow some ,take a video and decide I need to get out Marvin and the blower.


Get it out and want to shoot a video and the phone dies. Charge the phone and blow the driveway. Shoot a short video blowing the frt. walk. Battery dies quickly. It would have been an epic vid as I got a good plume going. Got to the end and went to back up and the tractor stops and spins The bolt for the chain attaching the mower lift bar came out and now the bar is wedged into the walk and lifting the tractor off the ground. good thing phone is dead or I would have had to take an embarrasing picHad to go get a small jack to get the bar out.Replaced the bolt. Gloves are soaked.


Finish up plowing. Went to lower plow and plow won't go down. Trip spring is hanging. A hitch  pin came out. :confusion-scratchheadblue:

Replace spring and pin and I notice the opposite spring rod is falling out and missing a clip :confusion-scratchheadblue:  :confusion-scratchheadblue: .! Never had this happen ever. Got it all done. Got Elvis out to pile it up. Almost didn't want to in fear of what could happen to that tractor.


Couple of vids and pics. The daylight ones are what was waiting for me when I got home. The dark one you can almost see one of the piles Elvis made.








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WH nut

LOL sounds like the day for snow removal problems

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Ken B

It looks like you did get a little fun in even with all of the little fires you had to put out.


I had a great day myself... I woke up to the phone ringing early this morning and I was told work has been cancelled for the day. PAID! Really? In all my years working I've never got a call like that but what the hell, I'll take it. I laid around on the couch this morning for a few hrs and then made my way outside to fire up the 417-8. I got a solid ft of snow here with a little weight to it. I had my fun but lucky me, no break downs. I've about had it with playin in the snow, I'm ready to cut some frickin grass already!

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If I wasn't so mad when the bar wedged, I'd still be out there rolling in the snow laughing,

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Man, that story needs a good sound track to go with it. 


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Glad to hear it all worked out. Working in the cold sucks....did ya bash your knuckles at least once?? The cold just amplifies the pain :eusa-doh:  .



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No knuckles, but almost hit my head on the hood!

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Good story Mike! Happy to hear you did not break anything when you fell. Marvin looks good with the snowblower attached.

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Sounds like you are trying to win back Craig's Hard Hat.  :)  What a tough winter...

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Trust me Dino... :hilarious: 

it's already in the mail.

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Murphy said he was going out of town for awhile, now we all know where he is.

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Wow...At least you stuck it out and got it done. :handgestures-thumbupright:


I had my own issue as well. Was plowing with the 854 and all was going well. Was slightly sputtering at top speed, but not really effecting performance. My sister came by to chat for a couple of minutes, so I shut it down for a little rest. Low and behold, she wouldn't start up...Battery dead. I got the 753 with blower out, and finished the job. The single stage worked well on virgin snow, but would constantly load up on the plow pile packed stuff. :banghead:  

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Elvis piles! 



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Wow those wheel horses and you powers through the problems to get the job done just like a good wheel horse and a owner alike can do


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Sounds like you are trying to win back Craig's Hard Hat.  :)  What a tough winter...

I think a passing of the helmet at the Big show is in order   less than 6 months away.  weather prediction: hazy, hot and humid with highs in the 90's with chance of late day showers.

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Pass the helmet around I'll keep what's in it!  :)  :ychain:  :bow-blue:


Updated Elvis Pile  :happy-jumpeveryone:




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Uh oh!   :) 

I think I used those stickers to dress up my new tub cart.  



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Love the cart. Looks like one of those kidde rides with the fake steering wheel by the pic. Bring it to the show like that. Steve needs something to ride around on!

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Sorry about the slips and breakdowns. The glass half full is a fellow I know was blowing snow with his IH cub cadet and the driveshaft pin sheared. That is a not so simple repair IMHO. M always amazed how easy the Wheelhorse is to repair as compared to my other color tractors.

BTW - impressive videos!!!!!

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Glad all worked out at the end of the day. I added wheels to my 42 inch tall stack. I really like using the blower with wheels - no damage to neighbors driveways.




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Glad you got it done, Mike. I've had days like that.

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sorry to hear of all the problems.....and i thought that kind of crap just happened to me.  glad you were able to overcome. i mapquested waterloo. i wish you were closer as i would buy the spare hydro tranny you have.  i did learn waterloo is the birthplace of memorial day!  can't beat that.  best regards   mike in mass. 

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