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Educate me about the Ride Away Sr tractors

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Craig I recall someone…not sure where I heard it from…. throwing around the 1000 pound figure…... It may have been at the show… Im not sure how accurate that could be but I bet its pretty close…theirs a lot of cast iron there

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My point exactly.


My story about the Economy was only as a reference. A Senior and the Economy I had are somewhat similar in construction. IMO not too much harm can be done pushing a little snow or pulling a plow once in a while with a Senior, so long as you don't over due it. Working one on a regular basis isn't even practical. At the end of the day I apreciate anyone that takes  brings out there Senior for the rest of us to see, whether they work it or not..


I have a friend in the Antique Outboard Club. A few yrs ago at one of our wet meets he brought along one of the rarest outboards ever made. It was a BEAUTIFUL, original condition Indian Silver Arrow, roughly 10 hp. There were about 75 guys at the meet that day and most of us had never seen an Indian outboard in the flesh. We had no doubt all seen pictures of them, we had all heard of them and we knew they are extremely rare and valuable (roughly 5 grand in the condition of this one) We all really appreciated the fact that Bill brought the Indian along for us to all see. None of us had a clue what we were in for. We were all sitting up away from the water eating lunch when we heard an outboard fire up down on the river, it was a sound none of us had heard before. It was then that one of the founding fathers of the club who was eating next to me jumped up and said to me "we better get down to the river to see a sight that we may never see again". By the time we all made it to the river (like 30 seconds) Bill was roaring up and down the Merrimac river wide open. He was flyin and he had a smile from ear to ear. (4000 rpm's) All of us just stood there speechless enjoying the moment and takin it all in. Remember, very few of us had ever seen an Indian in the flesh and NONE of us standing there that fine day had ever seen an Indian in action. Ten minutes later Bill came to shore to lots of smiling faces. He then offered rides to anyone interested! Bill and that Indian were all busy for the next few hrs. as we all wanted a ride. I recall later in the day as we were all sitting together bs'ing one member sayin, Wow! I can't believe you actually run such a rare and beautiful motor! Bill looks up, he smiles and says, " its an outboard, outboards propel boats!" Right then and there I had myself a new hero...

 Love the story Ken!

When posts about the Sr tractors come up here at RS it seems as though the passion for these tractors are second to none and I sure couldn't argue with that. I totally understand the historical/sentimental value of these tractors and would never ask someone to abuse their "baby" but was curious of the performance from those that have actually used them for work.

It seems the only thing members here at Red Square like more than pictures are videos! Like your story above, if anyone ever gets their SR out and takes on some chores, please take a video camera! I bet you will get some smiles on the faces around here!

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:text-yeahthat:      :handgestures-thumbsup:     :text-goodpost:     :)

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One of my dads buddies that dabbles in old cars has several old Bentleys and Rolls Royces  and he is a firm believer of using them, there was a time when he was having trouble getting the carbs synchronized on his 37 Bentley and was frustrated to the point of taking it to his mechanic when I offered to lead him thru the basic setup of multiple carbs and he actually let me help him sync and balance the carbs. What a piece of engineering aluminum bell housing, oil pan, front cover and cam cover, overhead cam inline 6 with a vertical shaft drive. 2 vacuum operated SU carbs on an aluminum intake.  Anyhow after getting the carbs set up he took me for a test ride 65 0r 70mph in a residential neighborhood and purring like a kitten.


Anyhow back on topic he and the RR owners club would do an annual tour that was typically 1500 to 2500 miles, they would either tow or ship the cars to a starting point and then tour for a couple of weeks doing their own maintenance  on the road as  needed, usually 1 support vehicle and a guard in the parking lot at night. His pride and joy was a 1916 silver ghost 100 point show car that he put in a container and shipped to Europe or 1 adventure.


His opinion was it was his duty to use it and preserve it for the future and his enjoyment

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We use our tractor to plow every year.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuxaCAMWVkc  

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Fun thread. I have two cousins - brothers. One sees machinery for its ability to work and would take his dad's old 30s Allis out in the field to fertilize, cultivate, mow or whatever. Beat it to hell and the tractor just wanted more. The younger took that in the barn and restored it to the point that it's shipped to shows. He wipes it with a diaper and it doesn't see dirt on its tires. Same with the old Farmall he pulled out of the neighbor's back lot or the Moline he got from the town's auction. Mustangs that haven't seen the county road. He talks about his brother having no respect for fine machinery. Hard to see that they both came from the same mother. I'm somewhere in the middle on this. I'd make her work but wouldn't go near to her limits and I'd shine her up on occasion. Hey, when we die, some relative is going to sell them for 10 cents on the dollar on Facebook Marketplace :hide:

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23 hours ago, maluk60 said:

We use our tractor to plow every year.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuxaCAMWVkc

:text-welcomeconfetti:  awesome old video!  

I’d love to get a plow on my wife’s Senior, but for now it’s main chores are winter sleigh duty.



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