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Hydro transmission cam follower block

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Nylon block collapses on one side after very little use. Any thoughts

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Knowing what tractor you have would be extremely helpful. :confusion-shrug:

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Presuming you are working on / with a SUNDSTRAND or HYDROGEAR hyd unit:


Either the nylon cam block is badly worn (never seen that happen) or the sides of the BLOCK that it slides in are worn out of shape. 

Here is a pic of what can be done....MAYBE.


Using a bastard file on the block, bring both sides of the track into perfect square, filing on the BACK side ONLY. This will make the tracks a little bit deeper so, after squaring them, you'll need to CAREFULLY file off the TOP of the tracks. 


Don't file on either of the outside edges (SIDEs) of the track....this would worsen it by widening the gap for the nylon block to slide in.


When done, the NYLON cam follower should neatly fit in the tracks and not wobble back and forth.  It also has to be deep enough into the tracks so as NOT to be pinched tight by the two little clamps that hold it in place.  It has to slide free up and down, but not side to side.


Very tough to explain this.... I put a RED 'X' in the track that needs filing down. 


I have lots of parts shown in these pics and to contact me directly, send email to me at:



Edited by daveoman1966
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It might be worth checking for bad pivot bushings or a bent/damaged direction control lever assembly - or even a bent and/or broken transaxle mounting plate or frame.

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I'm betting on the frame.

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can whlvr

my frame is a little out of whack and I had to add washers behind the ball that moves the plastic plate

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