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3 speed transaxle help

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All three gears are locked up,but if I put it in neutral it will move forward,what could be the problem?

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There is not enough information here to give you an answer to your question.  With what you asked...the answer is there are a lot of things it could be.:)

Edited by stevasaurus
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:eusa-think: ...Is the tractor running or not...which tractor and trans are we talking about...if the tractor is not running you can push it in neutral..If it is in gear you can't push it and if you can one wheel will turn one direction and the other should turn the opposite....If it is running and and you have it in gear will it move or will it kill the engine...Like Steve said need alot more info.

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It is on a 701,it will kill the engine in every gear but when you put it in neutral it will run like its in third gear,but it will kill the engine while its in any gear but nuetral

And it won't roll in neutral like its stuck in gear

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OK...I am going to ask you some questions, and I want you to answer each one in order...


1. Did you just get this horse, or did you have it for some time??

2. Has it been sitting for some years and you are trying to get it going??

3. Did this start happening when you were using it??

4. I see you are in Va.  is it possible that you have ice in the trans???  Is it freezing temps lately??

Now we get into the real stuff...

5. From your post above...when you think it is in neutral...is it actually in 3rd gear???  You say it runs like it is in 3rd gear when it is in neutral...what does that mean??

6. Does the shifter feel like it is really sloppy when shifting???  ie...lots of play??


We go from here...trying to narrow it down from 1000 miles away.  :)

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I have had it for about 2 years it had just set under a carport,and I desided to get it out and try to get it running,and I got it running good but the gears growls in it,so I put new oil in the trasaxle and I took it up the road in 3rd gear and it locked up,but then I put it in Neutral and it ran like it was back in third gear,and when I clicked it back into gear it would just kill the engine,and there is no ice and its not to sloppy it has little play but my other horses have that.

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It will move long as the shifter is in the neutral position,then when you click it into gear it kills the engine

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The first thing to do is lift up the boot on the shifter.  Just in front of the shifter is a dog point set screw with a lock nut on it.  loosen the lock nut and, with an Allen wrench, take out the set screw.  Lift out the shifter and look in the hole.  If it is in neutral, you should see the 2 shift forks form a square in the center of the hole.  If you do not see the square, with a large screw driver, try to pry the forks (one at a time) so you get the square.  Let us know what you see when you first look into the hole.  By the sound of it, the shift fork toward the front of the tractor, which is your 1st and reverse gears, may be centered.  The fork toward the rear of your tractor, which is your 2nd and 3rd gears,  may be stuck to the right.  Regardless, try to center the forks.  If you can center the forks, you are in neutral.  If you can get into neutral, then try to move each fork (one at a time) from side to side...coming back to neutral before moving the other fork.  You can put the rear end up on blocks to do this, so you do not have to drive it.  If everything works up to this point...look at your shifter.  It should have the ball that the set screw goes into and a shaft below that with a small ball on the end.  If all is good...put it back together and check it out.  The thinking here is...your shifter is sitting in the 1st and reverse gear fork, while your other fork is locked into 3rd gear.  It was binding up when you had both forks in a gear at the same time.  Lining both forks in the neutral position and re-inserting the shifter should fix your problem if the shifter is OK.  Remember that you have to come to a complete stop when you shift gears.  :)


The howling noise you have is a concern.  I know you changed the oil, and running it on blocks may reduce the noise after the oil has had time to do it's thing.  More likely, you have some worn bearings, in which case you will need to drop the trans and open it up and replace any bad bearings and all the seals.  We will see.  :)  BTW...the trans is easy to fix if you have to open it up. :eusa-think:

Edited by stevasaurus
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I will do this tomorrow and let yaw know how everything looks

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Take a look at this picture.




When you have the shifter removed, looking down into the transmission, this is what the shifter forks should look like in neutral.



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OK thank you I will check into this tomorrow and let yaw know if everything looks good or not

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well took a look into the transaxle today,and the shifter forks were out of line,i lined them back up and it shifts fine now, thanks for the help.

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Excellent...glad that worked for you.  :)

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now i just have to find out what the wining noise is,it sat for 6 years before i got it and it was full of water,ive changed the oil in it 3 times and everytime i change it it has a rusty color to it,so im hoping if i keep changing it it will get better.

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Seriously, if water has been in there that long and you keep getting rust out of there when you change the oil...it is time to open the trans and see what is bad.  The 701 is an easy trans to tear down...threads and videos of how to do that are on this site.  If you want to try flushing it out and see what you get by draining it...drain and add 2 or 3 qts of diesel...put the tractor level on blocks (jack up the front also) and run it in all gears for about 20 minutes total.  Jack the front up higher (there is a wing dam that runs across the trans on the bottom that would hold fluid unless you get the trans high enough in front to drain completely).  This should maybe get most of the rust out of the bearings...oil is not going to do that.  Do twice if you think the trans can take it...then add oil.  My professional opinion...try this to get through the winter...open the trans in the spring and clean, replace seals and questionable bearings.  YOU will NOT know what you have inside if you do not open it and do it the right way...we will walk you through the process...and you will have a trans that will last another 60 years.  Guaranteed. :eusa-think:  Stop wasting oil.

Edited by stevasaurus
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Were do you find the video how to tear it down,I don't want to lose nothing,I've never had one tore apart,

Edited by wheelhorse66

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This 1st link is just like your transmission...all pictures...:)



This link has the videos...the only difference between this trans and yours is the brake shaft comes out a different hole on the left side...


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OK thanks going to tear it down whenever the snow stops

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A nice little trick...run some diesel in it and drain (like I said above).  It will make going into a cleaner transmission a much nicer job. :)  Good to have a roll of industrial paper towels handy also.  Take plenty of pictures also...we like pictures.  :)

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