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Horse Trading went great in Trout Run PA(New home for 701)

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After deciding to give the 701 a new home(as hard as it was) I ran into a fellow Horse enthusiast on a popular social media site and he contacted me to arrange some swapping.The knot in my stomach seemed to disappear knowing the lil worker was gettin a great home.I ventured out yesterday morning on a two hour venture,met a great guy Bud Andrews and got a tour of his stable and projects.It was a great time.I'm glad to have met another diehard wheel horse fan and give an old worker an opportunity to get a freshen up!I'm super happy with my trade as I got just what I was after,another raider 12.I also took with it one of his super cool,perfect size prototype mufflers.Get ready Bud,You may have to give out your recipe!




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You got a very nice looking tractor there! Looks super sharp. Is that the Trout run near Erie? There are so many Trout Runs in Pa.

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You got a very nice looking tractor there! Looks super sharp. Is that the Trout run near Erie? There are so many Trout Runs in Pa.

Just north of Williamsport Jack.

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Nice looking tractor.

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Neat exhaust on it too. 

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Thats one sweet looking 701 !

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Now that is really nice , Love the cheaqer foot plates

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Trout run was a frequent destination for my old motorcycle group. Head down on 15 and come back north on 14. Stop at the Wellsboro Diner for lunch. Funny story on the last trip I took there. I rode with 2 brothers and one of their father-in laws. His name was Richard and he was an old trucker. When we rode and he wasn't there we would get lost and we would say "What would Dicky do? Any way Richard died. He had requested his ashes by spread along rt. 14 as that was an old trucker route he drove for years. Terry his son in law packed his ashes in the saddle bag and away we went. Got part way up 14 on the way back and Terry pulls over. I'm sitting on my bike and he gets out the ashes. I notice how windy it is. Terry opens up the container and flings the ashes. But he tossed them AGAINST THE WIND!!! Richards ashes ended up blowing all over Terry and his bike. I was laughing so hard I about fell off the Goldwing. :) I yell to him He got you one last time! :laughing-rolling:

Great horse by the way. Bud has some nice horses! :thumbs:

Edited by squonk
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can whlvr

so how does the hood open,doesnt the stack interfere with that

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Good times right there Mike!14 is a road time forgot,it's not a bad thing!Bud is my kinda guy,wish he was my neighbor but then we would fight over horses,we have the same tastes!

so how does the hood open,doesnt the stack interfere with that

Ya just pull the two quick clips on the hinge rod and it lifts right off straight up.It's different but it still comes off quicker than a lawn ranger!

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Nice ride. A beauty.


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Trout Run! Lycoming Creek Watershed! That's in my trading/buying area! Beautiful tractor and a great story!

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Trout Run! Lycoming Creek Watershed! That's in my trading/buying area! Beautiful tractor and a great story!

Since there was no cash involved it can't be poaching!It's a nice drive through the 14 river valley!I had my eyes peeled the whole way across 414 and down 14 in everyone's yards for forgotten horses!

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Trout Run is only about 30 miles south of me. Im in Mansfield

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Yep, just for that reason...it's a rare occasion you'll see my garage door open.    :scared-eek: 

I think it was last spring before the foliage came back, I remember having the shed door open, and a couple little red tractors out in the backyardAs the trash truck was passing by in front of the house, I hear two of 'em over the noise of the truck saying...

"HEY! Look there...a couple cool little red tractors in back there. What are they...WheelHorse, I think? Yeah...they don't make 'em like that anymore!"  Imagine if the word got out, how many are stabled here? :teasing-poke: 

Little guy like me wouldn't be able to fend off an invasion of   :wh: snatchers.  

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Damn trash guys got the in!I never thought of that Craig!I'm goin to the town in the morning and start my new horse peeping,I mean job!

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Trash guys invented the :wh: hook up.   :handgestures-thumbsup: 

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I'm just over the hill in Cogan Station. Is there a guy in Trout Run with a stable of Horses? I'm possibly hunting some wheel weights for my 312-8.

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