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C-165 Auto Rust Bucket - An EBay Warning

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I just bought this tractor on ebay and I pretty much got swindled. They only had two pictures and a very short description. The seller sent me more pictures which showed just surface rust and told me it runs and drives and smokes a little on start up. They did deliver it 250 miles for me, which was nice of them. In the end it was my fault I guess for no due diligence.


The drive belt has a huge chunk missing out of it and the engine pulley looks like it has an entire belt melted on it.

Turns out this this smokes like a freaking steam locomotive (to their credit it DOES run, but I dont know HOW). I can turn the engine over by hand and I hear something scraping. Either the drive pulley is rubbing on the case or the bearings are really shot. I havent taken the head off to see what it might look like inside, but I saw white corrosion on the valve you can see inside the spark plug hole.


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Wires are bare, the fuel line is run UNDER the tractor and hangs down out back.


Where the dash support meets the frame under the belt guard is rusted bad.




Opposite side guard over lift cylinder.





I am hoping and praying the hydro is in decent shape. it did move and seemed pretty strong. Missing the cooling fan of course. The lift cylinder worked but looks like it leaked. The lift control valve is rusted and will probably wear the seal out before long.


I am going to need lots of moral support and help from you all! My C-125 I bought on here was in much better condition and half the price. I hope this is worth something extra because it was only made two years. ;)
Do not make an ebay purchase on passion. I really wanted a "big block" kohler with an eaton, but I should have held out for one from here or that I looked at personally.

Edited by bmsgaffer
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Sorry to hear that story. I am sure it teaches all a lesson. I bet when your down with the tractor it will be great.


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Dont get too dispondant with her , enjoy it for what it is or until a better one comes along near where you live & then you will have plenty of parts , Infact alot of the fun is getting them in this condition & then turning them into real good workers , at least you saved it from the scrap man . :thumbs:

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Neil is right. You did save it from the scrap man. One of the reasons we are here is to save these old horses from extinction, so you did a good thing. Sounds like thats where the C-165 was otherwise surely headed.

Post some more pics of it to let us see what the overall package looks like. If it runs and moves under its own power it can't be all that bad. As far as  the rust goes, what I'm seeing is surface rust. They're only rust buskets when rusted all the way through.

In the end you might be a little upside down in the C-165 but if restored right you will have a heck of a good garden tractor. I've been there, done that too.

Take some deep breaths, power wash it, post some pics and lets see what you got.

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Remember, It's a  :wh: ?      :shock:

Clean it up, and do your maintenance before you go jumping off the roof.   :banana-parachute:    

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I agree with Martin, a little on the high side price wise, and condition is normal for a 30 year old tractor that has not had much care, I never pay more than $150 with out seeing it in person, we live and learn. 

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I'd be glad of a horse in that condition :) lots of examples here are in a far worse state...


Some you win, some you lose - the good thing is that theres a good group here ready to help you on your way with advice and spare parts!


Look forward to the restore thread  :popcorn:  

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I have been burnt and stupid me more than once. But as the old staying goes. "Buyer Beware" when it comes down to it and putting trust a side. It is the buyers own fault. I can say this not trying to scorn at you but because I am still smoldering from some purchase I have made.

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Thanks everyone.


Yes, I know it really was my own fault, but sometimes you just have to vent. They guy was holding so steady to his price that I thought it had to be decent, or at least sentimental, but I think most of its life was lived in a field. (Mice nest in the tunnel to prove it! :))


So on to the good things (and make myself feel better):

Came with: Free shipping (did the math would have been $150 in gas alone), Grader blade and bracket (seems to be worth over $100 and its in fixable shape), wheel weights (original wheel horse rears at least) for back AND front wheels (seems to be $150-200), a very good shape 42" mower deck and repairable belt covers (seems to be worth $2-300). So adding up the "what-its-worth-individually" looks like I came out ahead considering I should still have a fixable tractor in addition to all that. It was by no means a steal, but I got my moneys worth.


I purchased a C-125 from a member of this forum that had a few different issues but was in good shape and will probably become a donor for the restore. This one is going to be the worker, the C-105 will be my collector. Hopefully I will be able to recoup some of my stupidity with the sale of the spare (good) parts.


I am an electrical engineer, so I have some good plans on an integrated digital dashboard since I am not going to do an original restore.

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Add some more pictures:


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Practice makes perfect, you make the c165 look good theres No telling what the c105 will look like. Look forward to completed pictures. It wouldn't be the first tractor I bought looking like that.

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Yep that looks like a typical NON maintained tractor that many of us have seen  & bought .  :eusa-doh:. Learn form the experience & make the best out of it :handgestures-thumbupright:

Keep us posted on the out come :greetings-clappingyellow:

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Yep that looks like a typical NON maintained tractor that many of us have seen  & bought .  :eusa-doh:. Learn form the experience & make the best out of it :handgestures-thumbupright:

Keep us posted on the out come :greetings-clappingyellow:


I am really happy that I saved it from the previous owner. I don't think he would have ever scrapped it but just let it rot in the field. Ah the prices we pay (both money and wife's happiness) for the greater good of saving this old iron.


If it was running strong with the belt that had chunks missing out of it and making the neighbors think my house was burning down I cant wait to see what she's like with a freshening up.


I have a good running 12hp that I will probably switch in while the 16 goes under the knife.

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Lane Ranger

Buying these old tractors is like the movie the "Good, the Bad and the Ugly"  .   We bought several under $100 and put them back into working nice tractors .   They looked  ( and in some case no doubt were) a lot worse than the one you bought.   You almost always find something out you wish you knew before you bought one but that's life in the real world. 

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Hey at least you didn't buy it in person in 4 inches of snow like the Ranger I bought a couple of years ago.  Tranny froze, wrong motor, tons of rust holes, break band rusted tight to the brake drum.  But everything was there, paid too much, it's a great machine now but it took a ton of work and I still have not done the deck.

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Do the basic maintenance to it and then see what ya have. Maybe its got old thin oil (5w-30 or something along those lines) in it making it smoke, get some fresh 30w in it, a new belt and a tranny fliud and filter swap and then re-assess what ya have.


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Very interesting and insightful. Venting is to be expected when posed with a situation such as yours. First comes disappointment. Then comes the "what if..." train of thought. After which the fog lifts and you pick your self up and say to yourself, "boy, she'll be lookin real good when I'm done." I have been in your shoes bro and don't regret it one bit! Keep us posted brother!

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I have paid over the top for some  rusty clunkers before and i have also paid little money for some good tractors , hang in there & im sure you will break even next time round ,& most of all think of the fun you are gonna have in getting her back on her feet (wheels)

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Ken B

Here's my take, not too bad. Ya don't see C-165's in my neck of the woods too often.


I've been in this hobby since I was 12, I'm 45 now.  I like too think that I know better.  Know one screws me over but sometimes I'm my own worst enemy. Like you said, sometimes passion gets in the way...If I get taken its on me.

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I like the looks of that sd deck. Would you be interested in selling/ trading for a 42" rd?

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Not that one just yet, but I do have a 42" SD that I am interested in selling. It needs a little TLC but I think you mentioned you are a welder by trade so it would be simple for you. (I am open to C series tractor attachment trades if you want to make an offer, even on the good condition deck)


The baffles under it in one spot need welding, and there is a small patch needed at the right rear wheel. My dad "functional fixed" it with some metal we had lying around. The thing worked great though and then when the 10hp kohler blew we just didnt put any more time into it. We always cleaned it off after cutting.


The best pictures I have of it right now are of it on the C-105. But if you are interested I can get you some more pictures in the next few days when I get down there again.




Shoot me a PM. :)

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Sorry to hear about your misfortune, bit I'm sure it will keep you busy and bring you along for an 'adventure'

Remember a wheel horse is worth the time you put in


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I think if you seen them photos of the C-165 and it was delivered to you for agreed price and if you wasnt happy with it THEN why did you even unload it from a trailer ? Did the seller tell you that the engine smoked and needed rebuilt and the back fenders was cracked as posted in the photos or is them photos after you took controll of the C-165?  

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I'd say you did ok.  Deck looks good there is $150-200 .... Snow blade $100 ...... Front Weights $150 ........ Rear weights $50 ......tractor $200-$300 .... Once you get her cleaned up you won't regret it

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