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schedule of ground treatment

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Gonna close on new land that used to be worked 30 years ago. Any suggestions on when to plow, till, etc? I plan on growing squash, zucchini, beans, a few potatoes etc.

Any thought would be appreciated.

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953 nut

If you can get a turning plow on it now, do so and get a few samples to have your county ag agent send off for testing. That will tell you what conditioning the soil will need. Since it has been fallow for so long you may want to turn the soil several times in the spring as the weed seeds germinate. If you can get some horse or cow manure or other organics to turn in you will want to add them now too.

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Thanks. When do I till? I had a small garden before but this will be about 1/4 acre.

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I prefer tilling.  I don't have a Wheelhorse rear tiller, but a couple of walk behinds - the big one being a Troy-Bilt Horse tiller.


Having said that, moldboard plowing is a hoot!  I recommend seat time doing it regardless of the real reason for gardening... :)



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Is that at the place you grew up? You look quite content. Is that one of the super rare BLUE wheel horses in the background?

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Is that at the place you grew up? You look quite content. Is that one of the super rare BLUE wheel horses in the background?

The garden is on the reminants of a small/old farm. The blue tractor is a dead Ford 3000.

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You can plow it or till it as soon as it is fit to get into (not too wet).  Depending on how big a piece it is? You may want to find a neighbor/ farmer with a bigger tractor and MB plow and hire him(or her) to plow it the first time. If it has been laying fallow for as long as you stated? There will more than likely be roots and rocks. If you are in fact going to till it? If the ground isn't froze? Hit it now. Then when the weed seeds start to grow in the already tilled ground? You till it again. Another little trick for ya. Till it either length wise or across on the first pass (the entire garden). Then switch directions on the next pass. I do the same thing when I either disc or field cultivate my gardens. It makes the ground mellow. Manure is definately something to get. Remember, even though horse manure is very good manure? And, usually readily available? Horses cannot digest seeds. Therefore, whatever grasses or ragweeds or any other weed seed will be packed in the perfect growing environment. Ie; The Horse Apple. But, they will help your tomato plants get big and produce very well :greetings-clappingyellow: . Plus you get to pick weeds :teasing-whipyellow: .  Have fun and good luck.   

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