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Charlie Smith

Wheel Horse Price On The Up!

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Charlie Smith

Hello All, I honestly thought the price of things went down over/near Christmas, I didn't though that auction site, did too well over Christmas due to money, however I have noticed that the price is up going, there was a 16hp with a few homemade attachments ended earlier for a whooping £1220 and as we speak there's one on there with 3 bids at £650, will they come down from this, or will they just keep climbing up and up, I guess it's a pretty safe guess everyone that has one has there money's worth and could always get what they payed for it back, and some in a few cases,

I was just wondering has anyone else noticed this uprise? Will it stay? If it does this May effect the chances of picking one up cheap? Are they now becoming worth more 'rare'? Or do you think its just a silly phase and they will decrease in price again soon,

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When good tractors come up for sale they do tend to fetch a good price & i guess that the reason why that tractor went for 1220 was that it was a 16hp as not too many 16hp tractors come up for sale that often .

Spring time is allways a good time to buy as often tractor wont start after the long winter of not being used & so people just deside to move them on .

Ebay can play odd games sometimes , i have known a snow dozer blade sell fore over £700 & there is one on there now at £280 & it hasnt sold .

Hang in there Charlie &  one will come along soon , the prices will fluctuate from time to time .

Wheel horse tractors are becoming more desirable here in UK especially now that they are starting to appear on the showgrounds .

It baffles me why knowone seems to bid much on GT14`s whenever they come up for sale, especially as they are so rare in UK & are such a good tractor .

As time goes on i do think that Wheelhorse tractors will increase in value ,maybe buy not much but i think they will hold thee value well . but i would never buy one thinking that you will earn lots of money on it as i dont think that happens very often unless it is an ultra rare model .

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Charlie Smith

I guess it must have been because it was a 16hp because it wasn't extremely clean, and didn't have any decals either, or maybe it was just a mad moment thing and it got into a bidding warm bad for the buyer, great for the seller, I agree, spring time seems to be a good time for anything like that, even push lawnmowers, spring time when people pull them out the shed, see they don't work, and just flog them on, I also see the attachments drop and gain in price often, for example, I got my snow plough for £75 but that's purely due to the seller not adding and listing it properly, however it's in a good home now, I think like you mention now they are popping up in the show grounds, people see them, go home and realise they have one in the back of the barn or shed, then automatically think it's rare or with somthing as it's show material, I my self have never seen a GT 14 pop up on that auction site, but I've only been interested for the last year, I also agree with you and your final statement, I don't think it would be worth buying one to sell on, and if your anything like me, if I brought one with intentions to sell on, I would get too attached to it and wouldn't let it go.... But I guess there's nothing wrong with that, ;)

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I wouldn't say that auction prices are much good as a general price guide as there are too many variables. Get two 'must have' bidders with fat wallets and who can forget the snow blade that went for over £700. It was soon after that I picked up my C-100 with excellent 42" SD deck and snow plow for much much less. Rarity is not always a good guide either. My C-120 Auto was a wreck of a non-runner and I probably paid too much for it on the basis that these are certainly 'uncommon'. Nearly two years later a nice looking runner appeared not far from me at a starting price that made me sick but nobody bid! Nobody bid on a D-200 that appeared with a not unreasonable starting price so I made an offer which was accepted. Distance to collect is also a factor and I've done a couple of 300 mile plus round trips but there has to be a limit in terms of time and fuel that you're prepared to add to the price paid.


Patience is the name of the game Charlie. It can be difficult once the horse has bitten but there are lots of horses out there and I doubt we'll stop seeing them come up as regularly as they do anytime soon. After all I understand that for a significant period WH outsold all other barnds put together here in the UK. It doesn't hurt to put in an offer on ones that don't get any bids or make a reserve - the vendor can decline but sometimes they accept providing you're not being too cheeky.



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After 4 years watching, there's no pattern. All depends on location and whether two people want the same tractor...

The most I've paid was 300 for my C-101, with a deck and trailer. My GT was a lucky find as it's all original and it works!

I bought a C-161 a few months ago for the engine, that was cheap at 200.

Still got the screen grab of that snow plough that brought 700 a few years ago :)

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I see that horse Charlie was talking about is up to £710 now... six hours to go...

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Anglo Traction

I also still don't understand why some of these reach the price they do Charlie?.


The current one uses the word 'Restored', but the complete PTO system is missing and the replacement engine size is unknown?.

But someone still thinks it is a price worth paying. I hope the Steering linkage and Bearings are ok though with those very wide Ags on the Front and the tiny battery can cope with demand with the lights on. ....the Bidders surely must have looked at it beforehand :handgestures-fingerscrossed:  


The recent £1200+ ensemble sale was to me a reasonable price considering what was included and the general condition.

If you think that the winning buyer may have a Smallholding or large Produce Garden and may have been able to offset the cost against Tax, then it becomes reasonable to them. They may also have looked it all over before bidding and therefore knew what they are prepared to pay.


It just seems like a Lottery as to how much one will go for. Then there are Lower 'Buy it Now' prices for Tractors in 'As Good' or better , and they don't sell?. .....All too confusing, but amusing to see how they fair on the Market. :dunno:  

Edited by Anglo Traction

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I think that went for a good price, but not really worth it. From the cowl and air filter it looks like a 16hp. I doubt the new owner actually cares really about the points you make Richard. Most end up as toys or show pieces.... It will probably turn up at a show as a 1960's model :)

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It went for £750 in the end...

As discussed, not very original but no doubt someone is happy with their new toy...

Edited by pmackellow

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Anglo Traction

I think that went for a good price, but not really worth it. From the cowl and air filter it looks like a 16hp. I doubt the new owner actually cares really about the points you make Richard. Most end up as toys or show pieces.... It will probably turn up at a show as a 1960's model  :)

Yeah !, your probably right about not thinking about any issues Mark . . ........... :eek: do you mean that has happened on the Show Scene before   ?  :grin:........ I always have a little chuckle when I see the words Wheel Horse and Antique in the same Heading of an Auction Ad. :roll:

Hope they are pleased with their acquisition anyway.

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I think the guy I brought it off must have had no clue what he had stored in his shed for about a year ( I paid £230)

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This will give you an idea of prices backin 1974




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i dunno what you have to pay for it in uk back in 74. compared to norway.. But i have a price list from 1977 and it has prices on some tractors and attachment..

it also says in the price list that Wheel horse is produced by NORLETT in belgium..

prices is GBP and US $

A-90 was £ 995 US $ 1635

commando 800 was £ 1116 US $ 1834

Raider 10    £ 1240 US $ 2038

Raider 12    £ 1476 US $ 2426

Raider 16    £ 1795 US $ 2950

48 inch deck £ 330 US $ 542

42 inch Push/snow blade £151 US $ 248

42 inch snowblower £ 324 US $ 532

36 inch tiller  £ 433 US $ 711

31 inch sweeper £ 213 US $350

Cab/snowcab £ 242 US $ 398

Wheel wheight's front £ 35 US $ 57

Wheel wheight's Rear £ 80 US $ 131

It has prices on a lot more to..  but it was really expensive back then..



Edited by Knusern

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Lars, buy comparing the two price lists it looks like the prices of the tractor  have more than doubled in the space of 3 years ,  how interesting

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So was mine 'cheap'

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What model wheelhorse is it you bought? Does it run? It's hard to say if it's "cheap" without knowing more about it really. To be honest everyone's views on what is cheap is different, if you're happy with the price you paid that's all that matters.


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Toro wheel horse 227-5 all working (no cutting deck) some minor surface rust, kawasaki fc540v engine 17hp

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Charlie Smith

I think any price is cheap if you want it.... For example I purchased my wheel horse for a very reasonable price, however I've spent what I payed for it and some... for little bits and pieces like number plate, stickers, all new tyres. (Snow plough) etc, All in all, with it how it is now, even down to the new head gasket,(including snow plough and tipping trailer) my raider 10 owes me £496.43 exactly, now to me, I'm happy with that and I think that's reasonable price, however some of my mates think I'm stupid and say,.. Think of the things you could do with that!

Everybody has there own opinion on what's cheap, expensive, and reasonable.. For example, Neil imported a ride away Sr. From the USA Now I bet that cost a few Bob. But too him, it's what he wanted so it's priceless,

If you're buying it too sell it on, you want it for as cheap as possible, if you want it because you really like it, it shouldn't matter what you pay,

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Number plate, how is it road Legal

Also I'm the same age as you and my friends think I'm a bit where when you could spend your money on something else and I quote from them 'a stupid tractor' which there not, wheel horses are lovely machine and as I'm interested in engineering it's a hobby to stoic it down and do it up

Edited by Jparkes43
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Charlie Smith

My is no longer registered for road use I will need to pay a registry fee to have it road worth again, however when my machine was purchased brand new, it was once road registered, I have the paper work to prove this,.. However for road legal tractors talk to mark, (Meadowfield) he has a few road legal wheel horses.

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I have two road legal horses.

It's harder to do now as they've closed down the regional offices, I used to go in with all the docs, photos, proof of age from Toro and they would give me an age related plate.

It's all done by post now, and somehow I don't think it will be as simple........


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I'm also a younger member of this forum, 15,  and I also get the same said to me by my mates, "oh you could have spent it on this or that" but I'd have it no other way, I love my horses aswell as all my other machinery more than anything, I am just fascinated by them and I never get bored of them!



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Number plate, how is it road Legal

Also I'm the same age as you and my friends think I'm a bit where when you could spend your money on something else and I quote from them 'a stupid tractor' which there not, wheel horses are lovely machine and as I'm interested in engineering it's a hobby to stoic it down and do it up

Dont let your friends di




I'm also a younger member of this forum, 15,  and I also get the same said to me by my mates, "oh you could have spent it on this or that" but I'd have it no other way, I love my horses aswell as all my other machinery more than anything, I am just fascinated by them and I never get bored of them!



Do not take any notice of what your friends are saying about you or your tractors , you have entered into a wonderful hobby that will give you years of pleasure , knowledge & know how . 

I guess your friends think you should spend your money on the latest X box or something . well this time next year Xbox will be out of date & you will probabley have to spend hundreds of pounds to get the next latest gadget game console thingy . stay with your tractors Enjoy what you are doing & you will get a massive amount of satisfaction at what you will acheive . so take no notice guys you are doing the right thing . & if you are having fun in what you are doing then that is the main thing

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Hi Neil,


Don't worry I'm not!! Yes, you got it right about the consoles but honestly, I'd rather be outside in my workshop working on machinery or driving a tractor over anything, I'm very lucky that I have my own little workshop but I spend as much time as I can in there, at the minute it's just full of horse stuff! It is a great feeling when you get running also, I'll never get sick of that feeling.



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Exactly the same as Tom

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