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electronic cigarettes...

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anyone a total nicotine addict? i am, in any form. i've tried to quit for years, spent 4 years chewing the bum. but i would always end up smoking or dipping again.


a few months back i tried some cheap e-cigs from walmart, they worked ok. i stopped buying the gum and pretty muched used the e-cig for a month. then they started tasting bad to me so i sought out some

higer end equipment.


holy moly am i glad i did, i think e-cigs are better then the real thing now.

the only issue now is this kind of turns into another hobby with all the different flavors and different devices. it's still cheaper then any other nicotine alternative though, by far.


anyone here "vaping"?

anyone want to try but don't know where to start?




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i don't vap, a study over here has shown that the e-cigs are just as bad as normal smoking, plus i like to roll my cigs keeps me occupied



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Kai Thomsen

I have been smoking 20 each day for years now..tried chewing gum a couple of times but i get tired of them real fast..they taste awfull after some time.

2 months ago i bought a pack of nicotine patches, they are expensive but work really well for me..but i still miss the taste of my menthol cigarettes so last tuesday i bought an E-cig just to try it and  got 2 flavors along with it, eucalyptys and a small bottle with menthol ( no nicotine in either of the flavors )  i really like it :)


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the expense of other nicotine replacement products is what lead me to e-cigs.

i swear the gum made the addiction worse. the patch didn't work for me, i was a jerk. (thats why i'm still using nicotine, i turn into a real jerk, went cold turkey for a few weeks once, i was awful)


the "studies" can be manipulated. but common sense says the 4 or so ingredients in ecigs can't be worse then the 7000 in real smokes.

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Anglo Traction

 Well I smoked for 45 years :hide:. Lived on them and Coffee over the last 6 years of working life. Helped me psychologically to deal with the Stress, long hours and c+%p diet.   Changed to Roll Ups when I retired and as I became more relaxed etc, I really enjoyed them, but seemed to smoke less.

Then one day, I ran out of 'Bakky' after getting home from cutting the 2 1/2 Acres of grass back in end of last April and just didn't bother buying any more!...... Been clean ever since!.


I don't miss them and I can tolerate others smoking around me without any cravings.


Several people around me use the 'Leccy Cigs', but almost as a 'Fill In' hit when they are prevented from using the Hot ended ones!.


I admire the people who try hard and have a hard time kicking the habit, but you'll get there.


I have to say that I (think) I miss the occasional Cigar to have a puff on, Tempting to get one at Christmas. 

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I feel for you guys...I've read, studies say, for a number of reasons...nicotine is more addictive than heroin... 

meaning, harder to kick. 

I think, in order to stop...you have to get to the point in your life, where you say "I'm stronger than a cigarette"...

enough is enough.

Good luck, keep trying...you can do it, don't give up.    :handgestures-thumbsup: 

Edited by AMC RULES
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cigars, i love them and sometimes when i drink with the boys i will have one....or a few. lol

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Very true Craig. I've often wondered about trying to kick the addiction to nicotine with nicotine but my wife and I tried the ecigs as well. The first ones we bought seemed fine for a while but they were of a low quality and had issues. We quit using them and went back to the real thing. Then we tried a different brand of ecigs. They were made much better and worked better as well. But it didn't take long for both of us to go back to the real ones again. I did use the ecigs in my truck on a trip to Indiana a while back since we don't smoke in the vehicles or house. A 'fill in' as Richard said. As with most folks that try to quit, we both used every excuse we could muster up to "just have one". Well, that doesn't work. At this point, knowing we need to quit, we've agreed on a New Years resolution. This time there's no rule bending allowed. Yea, most New Years resolutions aren't kept but we really do want to quit so why not try again. One of these times we'll make it.


As far as the health issues of ecigs, I just read an FDA report. They flat out don't know the ill effects and don't regulate them. They are doing intensive research and expect to have the reports out soon. I don't like more government regulations but it would be nice to know what's in them things and is it bad for you.

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the ones that look like cigarettes don't work well for long.

IMO, the only ecigs worth the effort are the ego's (or better), i like the ego c-twist (variable voltage) paired with this topper, a kanger mini protank 2:


Edited by kaiser

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When you really want to quit...

know that nothing will stop you. 

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Sho aint ez But keep trying,Bin ther don that

When you do master it ,all your senses will be more acute

and it will be worth it ALL.

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Ken B

cigars, i love them and sometimes when i drink with the boys i will have one....or a few. lol

I was a smoker myself, as little as 10 yrs ago. In the early yrs. I didn't even smoke a pack a day, most days around 10. I had quit a few times, a few times cold turkey and once with the patch. When I quit it wasn't just a few days it was at least 5 yrs. at a clip without touching a smoke. The last time I started smoking again went like this... It was snowing like crazy, I worked on the snow crew at the Danbury Mall. I drove a loader with a 22 ft blade and I was also in charge of keeping the equipment going.Well that day sucked, I was getting a call on my radio every ten minutes it seemed from the guys that ran the trucks with the sanders pissin and moaning that their sanders were jammed up or some other silly problem. I'd get so friggin mad it wasn't funny. Instead of making a commotion over the radio I'd drive a truck over to their "situation." How many times do you have to tell someone that they can climb up into their sander and un- jamb it just as well as I can without stangling them? A lot of guys are totally useless, some are capable, just plain lazy and don't want to be in the cold. Anyway, I finally get to head on over to my loader and fire it up. I climb on up into the cab and have a seat and there they are, my old brand of smokes, a fresh pack too with a new lighter included...How nice of someone..Either someone left them there from the night before or the Devil himself put em there... I fired up my loader and figured what the Hell, might as well fire one of these up as well. I had been quit for over 7 yrs... I went thru that whole pack of cigs that day and another pack as well. Its so easy too burn thru a few packs while driving a loader or a plow truck all day or all night. I continued on that course for another 3 years until I thought I'd have a heart attack.  I quit cold turkey, AGAIN. Been almost ten yrs. now. I do still enjoy a cigar or two a day but I'll jump off a bridge before I pick up another cigarette...

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Smoked 20 years and stopped a couple times....my downfall was alcohol...took away my self control.....so I quit drinking......then the smoking just faded on its own......been sober since 91 and haven't smoked since 92.....actually was smoking a pipe when it ended......

I don't buy the stress deal.....just a denial excuse......hey...I used all kind of excuses for my addictions and still do.....but they are just denial excuses...when you own your addictions then, and only then, you can control them......

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ummm, my intent to this thread was to help anyone out that is interested in ecigs, not debate the good and the bad. it's all bad folks.


i know i'm a bad addict. yes i'm in denial and making excuses, i like smoking, alot.

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Not so much the bad addict...just the model.   :teasing-poke:  

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I don't have a problem with will-power, its the wont-power that always gets me....


I've been smoking 30 years or so.  Quit a few times, but never more than a few months at the most.


I have talked to a few people lately that have quit with the help of Chantix.  It seems to have worked for them so far, but its only been a few months.


Can anyone recommend a "good" E-cigarette?  I have a suspicion that I might try a cheapy and decide that its not going to work for me, and ditch the idea.

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Check out Kaiser's post #9. My wife, son-in-law and I tried a couple of the ones that look like the real thing. I don't remember the brand of the first but they were junk. Then we got V2's. Much better but still so-so. Mu son-in-law then got a tank type, the very same one in Kaiser's post. He likes it and it seems to be working for him. There's a place a few miles away where he found it. I'll be checking it out.

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I smoked for over 45 years, most of those years 2 plus packs a day, and I can tell you no e-cig was going to help me quit. I liked smoking. Oh I tried a few times to stop but didn't last more than two weeks. You can try all the methods you can think or read about, and I hope one of them will help you quit, permanently. I do  not condemn anyone for smoking and I don't preach about it, but I offer my sincere encouragement and hope for all who try to quit. Nothing works to stop you like being told you have lung cancer, a tumor the size of a baseball in your lung. It is a cold, ruthless shock to the system to hear those words, even though I really already knew. Suffice it to say that I was very lucky to be able to have surgery to remove it over two years ago and I'm doing ok. After the surgery my son got on chantix and within a few weeks was off both it and the smokes. Hoping my two oldest daughters will kick the habit also. My wife doesn't smoke at home or in front of me, but still has a couple a day. I offer encouragement to her. She was sure there for me.


So use any method you can to quit smoking, and know that you can do it. I would love to visit this thread a year from now and see that all of you have stopped. :)

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Like Jim, I smoked for 37 years and quit lots of times until ten years ago my doctor told me that my sore shoulder wasn't a reoccurring rotator cuff injury and he would make an appointment for my with the cardiologist that I was able to quit, Dr. sent me for a stress test on fri, cath. on mon. and quadruple bypass on Tuesday, 98% blocked left main artery, they couldn't have saved me from a heart attack while I was in cardiac intensive care before surgery. We all know smoking is bad for us, it's about a 5 day chemical addiction but the desire and habit are hard to beat without proper motivation and support and then their are times when I still want a cigarette.

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I think its great if you can quit smoking , I started smoking when i was 23 & quit when i was 47  . I quit because i had a sore throat that just wouldnt get better , this started to play mind games with my head by thinking it was more serious than it actually was . this was the scare that i needed to quit my addiction .


I went to the doctors with my worries about my sore throat & he asked a series of questions & one of the questions was , was i a heavy smoker . my reply was , what do you call a heavy smoker , he relied , 10 to 15 per day would be classed as heavy smoker . I smoked 30 to 35 a day . naturally i was scared & it was my this that made me quit & the sore throat was just an infection caused by smoking .


If you can manage to use the E cigs then i would say that has to be a better option & then move onto quiting alltogether .


We all know that smoking isnt good for us , just dont leave it too late to quit .


And sorry this isnt anthing to do with the question that Kaiser asked ,but i think it is also relevant

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I smoked for over 45 years, most of those years 2 plus packs a day, and I can tell you no e-cig was going to help me quit. I liked smoking. Oh I tried a few times to stop but didn't last more than two weeks. You can try all the methods you can think or read about, and I hope one of them will help you quit, permanently. I do  not condemn anyone for smoking and I don't preach about it, but I offer my sincere encouragement and hope for all who try to quit. Nothing works to stop you like being told you have lung cancer, a tumor the size of a baseball in your lung. It is a cold, ruthless shock to the system to hear those words, even though I really already knew. Suffice it to say that I was very lucky to be able to have surgery to remove it over two years ago and I'm doing ok. After the surgery my son got on chantix and within a few weeks was off both it and the smokes. Hoping my two oldest daughters will kick the habit also. My wife doesn't smoke at home or in front of me, but still has a couple a day. I offer encouragement to her. She was sure there for me.


So use any method you can to quit smoking, and know that you can do it. I would love to visit this thread a year from now and see that all of you have stopped. :)


i didn't smoke as long as you, but i too liked it alot. i think that's why i struggled with the gum and other methods. when i went cold turkey i thought i was going to end up in jail i was so mean to everyone.


the thing with the good quality e-cigs is that i like them better then smoking. i think if you are like me and just "can't quit" then these are a fantastic option. i really do want to get off the nicotine, with the e-cig i can reduce the nicotine over time and still get the phyisical addiction satisfied. right now i vape 24mg nicotine juice, my next order it will get knocked back to 18mg, then 12mg and so on. i hope to be nicotine free by the end of next summer.


baby steps.... lol

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I smoked for over 40 years myself,and haven't had one in over 3 years.I wish I could tell you an easy way,truth is there is no easy way.I tried about everything from gum to patches to pills.

I quit one time when I was 40 yo for a year.One day someone offered me a cigar and dumb azz me thought,sure I could do that,thats not like a cig.That day I bought a pack,the next day I bought a carton.

I get my healthcare at the VA and one day my doctor informs me I have emphysema.You would think that would be enough to make you stop right?,no,I smoked for another year.Thats when I started taking wellbutrin to help me stop,that didn't help.I started going to smoking cessation class.My hearing is at about 40% so after A few meetings I gave that up.I read a lot about quitting and most people say you must set a date to quit and prepare yourself.Well that's what I did,I made my mind up I was going to quit on Saturday.I didn't realize it when I said it but that Saturday was 9/11/2010 so it's been an easy date to remember.

I quit because in my mind I knew I would be on oxygen pretty soon.I could no longer do my job,but I still manage to work on small enines a little.Today I actually manage to shovel 2 ton of rock.

I don't blame anyone for this,I knew for years what was happening,especially the last 5 or so.If you have smoked a long time you can feel the effects,it's just easy to deny it.

Anyway I don't think there is any one way,but I think most people who have quit will tell you just to keep trying and you will find a way.And if you backslide,just quit again.

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