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back home yesterday & all went well with 7 hr surgery. Doc found a larger aneurysm that was hidden , he fixed that and a hernia as well
Sore as hell today . Would like to thank all the prayers & support  :handgestures-thumbupright:



chasm :flags-waveusa:

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Glad you're doing well. Take it easy for a while.

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Heal well my friend.  :handgestures-thumbsup: 

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That's great news Chasm. A major surgery like that will really sap your strength for awhile, but you are already on the mend and will be back at things in no time. Good to see you back tickling the keys so soon. Best to you! :)

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Looky ,Looky @ me got my new leg now I'm free ......Pretty soon I'll be climbing trees.....yea right..... East bound & down...Meaner than a junk yard hound.... Moving faster than the speed of sound... well maybe not THAT fast, but you get my point folks... I'M STOKED





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Lookin' good. :thumbs:  Bet it feels good to be able to be upright on your own.

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:bow-blue:  Looks like you'll be out dancing tonight.   :party:

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Congrats on getting back up on two!!


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Chazm I'm just tickled pink to see this. I could not be any happier for you than I am right now. Great news buddy! :thumbs::)

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Chas...your attitude toward this is an inspiration to us all...that there is nothing that you can't beat.  Good luck to you and see you at this years show.  :)

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good to see you continue to make progress and keep a positive attitude

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Chas...your attitude toward this is an inspiration to us all...that there is nothing that you can't beat.  Good luck to you and see you at this years show.  :)

:text-yeahthat:       :text-goodpost:      :bow-blue:  

Looking forward to meeting you there too Chas.   :handgestures-salute:  

Edited by AMC RULES
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Thanks guys  :greetings-clappingyellow:       :rs: has been good therapy for me.

You would think that after walking for 50 + years I would have a clue   :scratchead:...  but this is a whole different beast  :eusa-think:

Start therapy tomorrow on how to use Bio-Leg... this ought to be fun :handgestures-thumbupright:

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:rs: Featuring Chasm...

the all new, six million dollar  :wh: man.   :handgestures-thumbsup:


Edited by AMC RULES
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Looking good Chas! Your attitude is top knotch my Friend. Glad we met up on Red Square. Keep us posted of your terrific progress :notworthy:

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