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snow plowing techniques.

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i'm curious as to what different techniques people use plowing snow.

post how you plow snow IE fast,slow,full blade,half blade ect.

also any tricks you've learned.

also pics of your plow rigs if you want to.

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in the past I used to angle as long as it was not more than 3 - 4 windrows .after that the snow weight will push front over away from snow. straight and long then trailer duty in deep stuff ,,,reason for the wings .. other wise remove wing and clip edge of plow and THROW that snow real far ,faster you drive better you are  (and fun TOO ) Try to get some videos this season !!!

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It all depends on how deep the snow is.  If it is deep when I plow the street it takes five passes each way. I start on the very outside edges of the road, blade angled as far as it will go.  This gives me a definite edge to guide me.  Up one side and then the other.  Next pass is farther in and moves the snow into the path cleared by the first pass.  Third pass clears the snow off to the side again.  Repeat as necessary until the road is clear.  If the snow is deep and powdery I take about a half blade cut or it builds up in front of the blade and just pushes down the road.  Wet snow curls off the blade really well so I can plow a wider path.  The faster you can go the better the snow clears the blade.  Just my $0.02



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I usually plow in 3rd gear full out taking 3/4 plow width. My driveways are blacktop and fairly steep. About a 1/4 mile all toll. Mine and 3 others. Now that is for normal snows 4 -8 inches. The deeper snows that are not that common here I take 1/2 cut and back to 2nd gear. Calling for 2-4 here tonight. We'll see.

Edited by Wishin4a416
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WH nut

One thing you will learn plowing , Push back far enough on the first snow so you don't run out of room by the end of snow season. You aren't going to be moving 3 months of snow if you run out of room.

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My driveway is 300 feet long.   At the beginning of the season I usually start off by plowing from the west side moving the snow to the east side so as not to fight the wind when it blows.  My blade is always angled as far as it will go.  Sometimes depending on the depth I might only take a foot of snow otherwise it spills out on the long end of the blade.  Other times I may move as much as I can and come back a second time just to clean up.  I go as fast as I can too.  Front tires really make a difference and so does some weight.  Last year I had my ribbed Vredestein tires on the front.  This year I have turf tires on and will likely take them off and put the Vredesteins back on.  I can't steer nearly as well with the turf tires.

I built a front centre pin and weight bracket so I could move more snow without  being pushed off course.  It really makes a difference with some weight out front.  When the snow begins to build I change up to the blower.   As our winters change it seems we get cold and so for a few days and then rain.  Having the ability to plow is really handy. This year I am going to try a single stage because it is easier to take on and off as well as store.

These photos are taken over different winters with two tractors.




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