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HI HO HI HO off to the hospital I go ... again, Comon Man !!!!! hopefully for the last freakin time. Thanks to my big Sis & wife for hauling my fat azz to York hospital in the morn. Got the faith in Dr Quan that he has his A game tomorrow. Lets get this thing DONE !!!!!!!!  :handgestures-thumbupright:


chasm :flags-waveusa:




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Not sure what is going on with you health wise however hope it all goes well!

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If this involves having a machine hooked to you and you wake up in a daze, don't hit the red button :eusa-doh: 

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At least, not unless you have to.  

God be with you tomorrow. :handgestures-thumbsup: 

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wishing you the best, hope all goes well.

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Our best wishes go with you Chasm. Good luck.

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Just to let everybody know my issues  / thanks all  :handgestures-thumbupright:


Sent 22 November 2013 - 11:01 AM

Doing ok for now, but had a blood clot from an aneurysm in my right leg & they couldn't save it. That's why I asked about moving the brk pedal on the 314. Going back into the hospital on Dec 3 to have 3 other aneurysms repaired. taking it one day at a time


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