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My Bud Jon had two last year and swore never again!  But here we go again! He has one from Thialand, and his boss brought others from Germany, Finland, Mexico and Columbia to learn how to snowmobile. As their insurance does not allow them to drive anything or shoot anything, they could only ride with Jon's oldest daughter towing the others on a sled. Jon promptly hit a 3' boulder at the driveway while warming his old 377 Skidoo, re-aggrivating a torn thigh and forcing him to the house. I was left overseeing 6 excited teen girls speaking as many languages! What a trip! I could not understand a word, but they could and were having a blast! 3 had never seen snow in their life, let alone a snowmobile and sled. They went round and round the property for hours, so much for me hunting tonight. In between rides they made snow women. When they went in for hot chocolate, I beat feet as I was hours overdue at home.


 Today is one of those days that just happen, and you will never forget!

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LOL! Sounds like it was an incredible experience.    :wwp: 


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I'll try to get Jon's wife to send me the one's she took. My hands were full!!

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