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Did some deer hunting today... look what I stumbled on.

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I went hunting on a brand new piece of property the State of Connecticut purchased in 2011. Its just under 500 acres and is nice for walking in and sitting quietly. I was mopeing along slowly looking around and being quiet when i stumbled upon this abandoned deer / summer camp. I did find on the door frame the date November 25, 1965 and a list of about 15 names. I looked it up and that was Thanksgiving day.


The stories and memories in this little 12x20 camp must be amazing. Sad to see it slowly rotting into the earth, it is all cedar and is incredibly well built including a solid cement slab---HOW MANY BAGS OF CEMENT DID THEY CARRY IN / MIX!!!!!


Yes I did sit in it for an hour or so both to check out all the scribbles and stuff the kids have done over the years plus as a cool "snipers" nest if a deer strolled by---none did.







Edited by Docwheelhorse
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953 nut

:text-bravo:   Nice place to spend a day.   :text-thankyouyellow: 

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WOW! All about the hearth in there.  :scared-eek: 

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If I could move the place I would.... take it all apart and move it to the back of my 30 acres and have a "hang out spot". It did have windows and screens at one point (plexi glass) but they are long gone.



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Really neat setting too...

bet it's a cool spot during the dog days of summer.  

Edited by AMC RULES

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Are you kidding me? So, did you sell all you had, and decide to move in? No neighbors, natural spring water, plenty of heating elements for winter time, lots of protection from enemies :laughing-rofl:, and all the needed supplies to upgrade when necessary...... Just 1 thing missing... An area big enough to utilize the HORSE>>>> :laughing-rolling:. But then again, you may want to trade the current fleet for a couple four legged beasts.. :techie-idea:

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Well the only good thing is the 500 acres will never be developed... this poor camp will eventually cave in. The front porch and overhang are shot. Roof on main building is still holding strong but is definitely headed in wrong direction. The ceiling around the chimney is stained from rain getting in and that makes it a ticking time bomb. The wood stove is still in there along with the sink and some really old fire extinguisher mounts and old school paper towel holders etc.... there are hooks in the cedar poles holding the roof up where they strung up hammocks etc.... this place had to be the best back in the day.



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Love the pics Doc. Cool old place, shame it's going to ruin.

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I agree with JimD...

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Makes you wonder how many of these places are hidden all over the U.S.A both completly wrecked and fallen down and it this sort of shape. I saw a post asking what the U.S.A was like in the 50's.... well i wasn't born till '71 but all I can imagine is that it was 1000% better than what we have now.


Deer Camps, a Chevy, Ford or Dodge in the driveway, not worrying about getting shot, blown up or otherwise by some jealous/pyscho anti Ameircan type.... post war prosperity and no P.C. B^&*(%%^%IT!!!  yep I would take living less but living in the 50's versus living to 100 now with the medical advancements.


Theres my little rant... but thats what thinking about this camp and seeing that 15 + people where together in the camp on Thanksgiving day 1965 made me feel.



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That is really cool. Wonder when it was built?

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Steve... they need a quote on a new roof. PM me and I will get you the address :laughing-rofl:


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Makes you wonder how many of these places are hidden all over the U.S.A both completly wrecked and fallen down and it this sort of shape. I saw a post asking what the U.S.A was like in the 50's.... well i wasn't born till '71 but all I can imagine is that it was 1000% better than what we have now.


Deer Camps, a Chevy, Ford or Dodge in the driveway, not worrying about getting shot, blown up or otherwise by some jealous/pyscho anti Ameircan type.... post war prosperity and no P.C. B^&*(%%^%IT!!!  yep I would take living less but living in the 50's versus living to 100 now with the medical advancements.


Theres my little rant... but thats what thinking about this camp and seeing that 15 + people where together in the camp on Thanksgiving day 1965 made me feel.



I can tell you Tony that the fifties were a great time to be a kid growing up. Life was slower and appreciated more than now. Little tings like my Dad giving us a 50 cent allowance most weeks was just the greatest memory. Taking us to the drive in was a special time too. I miss those days. I'd love to be able to take my family back to that time to live. :)

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Wow!  That place is awsome! 

Thanks for sharing the pictures. 

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Very cool place. Thanks for sharing! A place like that is me and mama's dream home. A little pasture nearby to plant, and that would be heaven.

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The second picture down looks straight out of a Bob Ross painting

what an amazing place .

I bet that place is just awesome in spring time

I wanna live there

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Now that's what I call a great find  :handgestures-thumbup:


I could live there very happily :D

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Makes you wonder how many of these places are hidden all over the U.S.A both completly wrecked and fallen down and it this sort of shape. I saw a post asking what the U.S.A was like in the 50's.... well i wasn't born till '71 but all I can imagine is that it was 1000% better than what we have now.


Deer Camps, a Chevy, Ford or Dodge in the driveway, not worrying about getting shot, blown up or otherwise by some jealous/pyscho anti Ameircan type.... post war prosperity and no P.C. B^&*(%%^%IT!!!  yep I would take living less but living in the 50's versus living to 100 now with the medical advancements.


Theres my little rant... but thats what thinking about this camp and seeing that 15 + people where together in the camp on Thanksgiving day 1965 made me feel.




I second EXACTLY what you said. I was born in 70' and what I wouldn't give to live in at the least that time again. I was a latch key kid from 7 years old on. Both of my parents had already gone to work by the time I would have to leave for school and we lived close enough where I walked. I also walked home from school and took care of myself until my parents got home. Today you wouldn't dare allow your child to do that. To many crazy nut jobs out there (there probably were a lot back then to but you just didn't hear about it). 


I do like and use the internet but I think a lot of this countries problems have been caused by it. I believe our morality and common sense is slowly going out the window! I fear for what the next 5 to 10 years will bring.


I will say that my oldest brother has lived out in Montana since getting out of the service in 1986 and he says it's like living where we grew up but only in an earlier time. I can vouch for that by what I have seen during the numerous times I have been out there. I would be out there if the winters weren't so cold and didn't last so long. Got to find somewhere similar and just a little warmer!


I'll step off my soap box now because I could on for hours!

Edited by fireman

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In the 70's my two sons had little dirt bikes and I had a dune buggy. We would go riding in the Mark Twain national forest and come across some interesting things.We would come across an old homestead out in the middle of nowhere.There was no road for miles,any trail was long gone. Just to imagine someone living there with the nearest town being 20 mi away.Can you imagine that,they had to prepare for winter or simply die.

Some of these were just remnants of stones for fireplace and support stones for the cabin.They would be so old that there was no wood remaining.I remember one that had no immediate access to water,and in that area you couldn't just dig a well,sone areas were solid rock.

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Very nice! Rustic. No doubt that is a native trout stream in front of it. I wish my cabin had that rustic look. Everything about that place screams to me to stay a week.

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amazing find for sure! Wouldn't mind leaving the "rat race" as well.

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