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Charlie Smith

Heater/Wood Burner

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Charlie Smith

Hello All,

For this winter I've been thinking if ways to keep warm outside,...... and boil the kettle ;) then I remembered seeing something Ian had brought/made/adapted, I got in touch with him and he kindly shared some information and the link to his old thread about it, I'm making a up/recycle wood burner/heater from an old gas bottle, the one I'm making at the moment is a small little 6kg bottle, this is just to make and see how it goes, if it Is reasonably easy and works well I have a larger gas bottle waiting to be made, however here's the start of the small trial heater/burner,


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Charlie, I made a similar one early this year. 15kg upright with chimney of 3" dia. pipe. Well pleased with the heat it puts out and I'm now looking at installing it in the workshop.

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Did that myself and used it for years before the new garage...

Edited by meadowfield

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Great idea...long as it's safe.


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I have seen similarly fashioned wood stoves made out of metal drums. I would have to say DYI recycling products is a great idea!! Thanks for sharing. Post pics when the project is complete!

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Charlie Smith

Hello all not bad for half a days work,

So 1 day, 4 welding rods, 2 cutting discs later,...... We have this invention.

It's not yet compleat as it wil need a chimney and some heat resistance paint, but I think it's doing pretty well, I'm pleased with the outcome so now I know it's easy enough to do, I shall start on the big gas bottel,


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That is very neat......Imagine how much area you could heat up with a 500 gallon tank!

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Charlie Smith

Thank you, :)

That is very neat......Imagine how much area you could heat up with a 500 gallon tank!

you could heat up a lot with a 500 gallon tank, however, if I put one in my shed to heat it up, there'd be no room to work in the shed, aha, also, a 500 gallon tank would take a lot a wood
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Cool project!

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Pretty cool. Weld a little flat plate to set your kettle on. :twocents-twocents:

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Charlie Smith

Yes, we must sort out a chimney and a flat plate for cooking/boiling kettles etc,

However my main focus is on building a much bigger more robust one now

Edited by Charlie Smith

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 Charlie , great little project,  you could use the little one for your camping stove  or even a small      bar b que

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Nice work Charlie, can't wait to see what the big one turns out like :handgestures-thumbup:

I'm with Neil, finish the little one and use it for camping.

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Charlie Smith

Yes I agree, and when I start the big one I shall update you all with a lot more pictures then this one, I will take pictures each of the stages one by one, and yes, I am going to finish the little one off, get it looking really neat, and take it away with us, camping and to all the shows etc,

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Charlie Smith

Hello all,

The slightly bigger/better one is here now, currently as a patio heater, but will be installed into the shed ASAP,

Now for the good bits, PICTURES!













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WOW! Fast like a bunny you are...  :handgestures-thumbsup: 

nice lookin' little heater you've made there.

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Charlie Smith

Well the weathers getting a little colder every day as we come closer to christmas, so I thought I best not hang about, and hurry and build too keep myself warm, must I say, I did have my little one going whilst making this one you'd be surprised of the heat they chuck out......

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Looking good

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Impressive heater you've built Charlie, and so quickly too. This would be a nice thread for Karl's Home Built forum if you haven't already posted it there. It would help get that site going too. Nice work!

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953 nut

:text-coolphotos:   I saw a couple of old milk cans like a farm from the '50 would have used ( ten gallon I think ) made into stove at a show a few weeks back.  :text-goodpost: 

Edited by 953 nut

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:text-coolphotos:   I saw a couple of old milk cans like a farm from the '50 would have used ( ten gallon I think ) made into stove at a show a few weeks back.  :text-goodpost: 


you sir just planted an idea:) 


i still have this can standing around doing nothing

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Your second one Charlie, is the same as the one I've made. Only difference is mine is on three legs. Keeps the heat from the floor. And your dead right about the amount of heat they put out. Toasty! :thumbs:

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Pretty neat. The big one looks just like a chiminea. Would be funny if you painted the small one pink, and added a pig tail to it.  (just saying :hide: )

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