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Narrow front end

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Anybody got a narrow front end wheel horse and how did u do it

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I have one:



Mine began as a 1968 Charger 9. I built it about 8 years ago here in my own shop and didn't have access to fancy machinery, so everything was done with my hand grinder, sawzall, Dremel, hand drill, Miller 135 welder, etc. Unfortunately I did not document the build, but I do remember some of it.  :scratchead:


I removed all of the original front axle brackets and welded a piece of channel iron under the frame rails.

I used a modified late 60's (iron) mower deck spindle assembly to mount the wheels to the tractor.

All sprockets, chain, (#40 single-row) 3/4" flange mount bearing and upper steering shaft with u-joint came from various eBay sellers.








To "slow down" the steering, I also built & installed a reduction (cluster) sprocket midway between the steering shaft and the front end. Using roller chain / sprockets allows maximum rotation - which in my case is infinite because I never got around to installing steering stops.

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JC 1965

Thanks for sharing that Terry. I've seen several photos of your tractor on here before and always wondered how you built it. Great job and great looking tractor.    :handgestures-thumbup:

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Row Cropper

Great looking tractor!  I have watched your youtube video many times and it motivated me to have my own "narrow front" tractor. 


This spring a neighbor brought me his C-120 and offered it to me, we agreed on terms and , I knew I had my "narrow front" horse!  After conferring with my Wheel Horse "expert" (former WH dealer) I agreed to have them do the conversion for me.  They had done several before and had pictures of their completions which looked very "clean and professional".  I just got it back about a month ago ( it had to take a back seat to all the other work they had keeping their customers mowing during the season ) and have used it for fall fertilizer application, pulling a lawn sweeper, and general "ginning" around!  What a fun tractor!  The maneuverability is fantastic, even without individual rear brakes it can turn almost as tight as a ZTR!


The conversion is very similar to yours, with a couple of differences.  Mine doesn't have the "slowed down" steering gears and my front wheels are 6".  I do have steering turn stops which allow for turning the front wheels about 40 degrees from dead center.  I have not done any cosmetic work on the unit yet, so no photos to be posted for now!


Thanks Terry, for motivating me to create this special tractor!



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:text-thankyoublue:  &  :WRS:

I consider mine to be a "20 footer" - perhaps a little less with bad eyesight. :hilarious:

It was built to drive & use and as an occasional butt-buggy at shows.


Don't let the lack of shiny paint prevent you from posting pics of yours. I'd still like to see it. :handgestures-thumbup:

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Row Cropper




Ok Terry, here you go!  Pretty rough looking, but it all works!  I have equipped it already with a copy of Scott Moreau's 2" receiver.  I have a 12v fan type fertilizer spreader and a semi-mounted liquid sprayer with a 12v pump and both will be attached via the 2" receiver.  I will have a 12v accessory outlet somewhere on the rear of the tractor for quick hookup when using both.   


Lot of work to do yet, but it will be a "labor of love"!


I like the look of your 8" wheels better than my 6", but when sitting in the seat I can't see what it looks like, it just performs as I had hoped and like you, I have it to use!



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Neat conversion, and wagon too Mel~man.   :handgestures-thumbsup: 

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I love it. Great job.

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I have one, of course it's a GT14. Its been seen on here several times. It was alot of fun playing with it. Its headed for paint this spring.


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