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I recently aquired this hydro while picking up a few other things.   The fellow told me what it was, but it went on the back burner while I was busy on another WH project.   Apparently, I choose to store that info in the brain cells I was abusing back in the '60's and now have absolutly no clue as to what he told me [i'd rather use that excuse than to admit I'm getting old.   That's my story and I'm sticking to it].


I've searched here and some on the web and can't seem to find one that appears the same.   Is there an I.D. plate buried somewhere under the gunk that might reveal information?   Any help on it's I.D. and any other info from you experts would be appreciated.   I'm also curious as to the purpose of the lever seen below the input pulley and forward of the filter.


Thanks to all.





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With the filter sticking out towards the side (if it was in a tractor) its a Sundstrand hydro. If the filter pointed towards the rear of the tractor( if mounted again) it would be an Eaton 1100. The Eaton 700 had no filter. Wheel Horse stopped using the Sundstrand in the middle of the 1980 model year production. An early 1980 C-165 (for example ) would have the Sundstrand and a later 1980 C-165 would have the Eaton 1100.

 Cant help you on the lever thingy.


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The lever is the parking brake. I would say it came out of a 12 Auto or C120 since there is no hyd lift and the tow valve faces forward.

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Is there an I.D. plate buried somewhere under the gunk that might reveal information?  



The ID tag used to be on that triangle shaped spot facing the dipstick.... at least that's where mine is.  Mine is a little older though.

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The lever is the parking brake. I would say it came out of a 12 Auto or C120 since there is no hyd lift and the tow valve faces forward.

12 Auto or C120 both used Sundstrans and that looks like the trany in my C120.

Edited by rmaynard

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Thanks all.   It is indeed a Sunstrand.   After reading the replys, I went to the manual section here, found it and read everything about it.   It appears to be the '73-77 Piston-Piston type, judging from the block that the pump mounts to.


There doesn't appear to be a tag on mine in that location, but when time allows, it'll get blasted with the power washer and possibly reveal a bit more of itself.   Again, thank you for your input / knowledge.


A question about the tow valve.   I know what it's for, but how does it work?   Does it get pulled out / pushed in or turned one way or the other to releave the internal pressure?   The manual wasn't clear on it's operation.

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Ed Kennell

The tow valve must be opened to tow.  Turned ccw to open. Many valves are frozen. I've broken them loose with PB blaster and a small pipe wrench.

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