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Horse Play

Tecumseh HM80 - Can Electric Start Be Added?

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Horse Play

First of all - is it a stupid idea spending money to add e-start to a Tecumseh?  It's actually a great motor - doesn't burn a drop of oil and and has a lot of power.  Would this be an easy task? 

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Terry M

Can you post a picture of the engine??  Then we could see what you have.   Does the flywheel have a ring gear already ?  does the shroud over the flywheel have an opening for a starter.  I'm sure theres already threaded holes to mount the starter.   I'm guessing the engine has no charging system…but you wouldn't need one anyway.   Not a stupid Idea,  all depends on you and what you want to spend…. :)

Edited by Terry M

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Mr. 856

should be able to as long as you have the gear and shroud to allow you to do so. they make a kit you can purchase to do it. that comes with the starter, etc. however I believe you could convert your engine to allow for it if you don't have the ring gear on the engine.

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Horse Play

I think I should be good with the flywheel gear and there is a removable piece to put the starter, but what about a mag. for charging?  


Here's some pics:






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I wouldn't bother with the magneto and regulator issues.  I put an electric starter (but no charging system) in my Lawn Ranger several years ago.  She has an HH70 Tecumseh.  She is used 3-4 times per week all year long.  She pulls a trailer and is a chore tractor so there is a lot of starting and stopping. The battery lasts for a month or more before i have to put a charger on it.. even in the winter.  Like all good Tecumsh's she start quick (faster than the Kohlers ;-)  I think in the 7-8 years I have had the set up I have had to use the rope 2-3 times because I hadn't charged her recently.

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