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hydro part material compatibility

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Is there any way to tell what the cam plate and cam for controlling a hydro transmission are made of??  I suspect they are both made of steel but are they mild steel or stainess.  I ask because I recently purchased a new cam plate and in comparing it to the old one, the slot that the cam follows is approxiamtely 1/32 larger on the old cam plate.  While changing the plate I noticed that the cam itself had a groove on one side and it lokked like someone had tried to fill it with silver solder of some type of brazing.  Being overly fussy about these things I decided to make a new cam from a piece of stainless steel ( hoping that it would be more wear resistant ) to replace the worn one and for some reason the stainless seems to almost stick to the cam plate when I try to slide it along the slot even though I've got about 0.005" of clearance.  I've been looking online to see if it might have been better to use a piece of mild steel instead but I haven't found a definative answer.

Needless to say any advice or info would be greatly appreciated as I'd rather not ruin the new cam plate by using a stainless cam.


Thanks - Cod

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