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520H Transmission issue, free wheels in forward?

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I bought a used 1990 520H and was told going down hills it starts to free wheel and then it catches up with itself, seller said he just changed the fluid, probably air. Well, it's not getting any better and with the hills on my property its just not safe. It won't completely free wheel but it speeds up and at the bottom of the hill....stalls for a few seconds then takes off again. Also noticed that the motion lever is about half way up when it finally starts moving and at full speed it tends to fall and seems pretty slow (not that I want speed, just compared to reverse).


I found the Eaton manual and read about a quick test of pushing the tractor. I can push the thing forward and the transmission never locks ups. Now, if I push it in reverse, the transmission locks up in about 5 feet. Is there a bad valve or o-ring or are these things servicable at all? The guy has a spare transmission, on a tractor that he says works  but wants $$$ for it and I have to go pull it.


Any thoughts on why reverse is fine but forward is scary?

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WH nut

Normal, you are going to have that

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Nature of the beast. You can anticipate the speed up or what is called "Free Wheeling" by the control  motion lever, other than that I don't know of any. Maybe someone else will chime in here that may have a better suggestion.

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This is normal.  Here is a recent thread:  


At the end of the day - Matt's foot control is a great solution and kicks the hydro's into the present century - especially the 520H with the swept forward axle, gear reduction steering and tighter turning radius.  IMHO, if you have a 520H and make this mod, nothing Deere makes that is on the dealer lot today is anymore comfortable or modern - the foot control is just that much of a game changer.


Good luck,


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My 520H also free wheels a bit down inclines, I think it is normal.

I use the motion control lever to counteract the pick up in speed and have adopted it as an automatic  response. 

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With Matt's control, you can ease up a bit on the foot treadle and this will slow you up basically preventing that free-wheeling effect. The foot treadle is sprung into the neutral position and as you let up pressure on it, it naturally slows you down. Great investment and easily installed.



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Another vote for the foot control pedal.

The only reason not to use it is if you plan to use a tiller.

I think it would interfere with the idler pulley.

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I don't know too much about Eatons, but both Eaton 11's that I have had here would roll around - a little stiff, and making a clicking noise.  None of the Eaton 700 tractors would roll at all (except one that was completely shot).

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My 1992 520H has been doing that for 21 years. Very normal for just rolling the tractor around on the garage floor. You never want to push or pull them very far.



Edited by Red-Bovine

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Another vote for the foot control pedal.

The only reason not to use it is if you plan to use a tiller.

I think it would interfere with the idler pulley.

I have the foot control on my 416 and did not need to do anything special to use the tiller, other than put an extra washer in as a spacer for the pulley.

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The Eaton on my 418A makes clicking noise when I push it also, and kinda hard to push. I guess there is no release valve when pushing, What does pushing do  to the trans? Are the Eaton 1100 rebuild able ?  is needed. Is there any time limit  to let it warm up before putting motion on it? The one I have seams to work OK when the fluid is cold. I let the oil circulate a few minutes first. Any suggestions appreciated .Thanks



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Hi Darg,

That "ticking" as it is being pushed is also pretty common and nothing to get worked up about. However, when you do push your tractor with the Eaton 1100, you should move the motion lever full forward before you start to push it.

Eaton 1100's are rebuildable and parts are available.

As far as a warm up, I let mine run at 3/4 open for about 5 minutes before moving it. It is not advisable to fire and go with a hydro and especially in winter weather. I will move my tractor from inside the garage after a minute to keep me from becoming even more confused than I already am on pure air. After I get it out the door, I let it go another four or five minutes before I go full throttle and under a load.

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Normal for free spin my dads D160 and his John Deere 455 does the same thing on hill my work horse with the 8 speed freewheels going down steep hills

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Thanks for the reply. I do not know what causes the ticking sound, but just wondering if good  or  bad.



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The clicking sound is normal in hydros when there not running because there is no oil pressurized in the tranny

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thanks for the reply, Mine is hard to move also, along with the ticking.



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It may be hard to move because the hydro valve is not kicked in.

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