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Charlie Smith

Wheel Horse Rear Wheel Weights,

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Charlie Smith

Hello All,

I was wondering if someone here could kindly share some pictures of rear wheel weights they have if you have pictures of them on it will do, but I was kinda hoping for a picture of them off,.. The front and the rear of the weight, I just want to have a look at them to see about them,

Many thanks

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Anglo Traction

If it helps, there are some pics of them in the Gallery section Charlie- 

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I only have pics of the front of the weight before and after I painted them.









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Charlie Smith

Ah okay I guess this kinda sucks! So I guess these won't fit! However they may fit the front? Ohhh I don't know, hehe


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They won't fit the front either unless they're for 8" wheels. 

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I wouldn't be so quick to give up on those, myself. They look like a nice heavy pair. maybe you can fab up an adapter of some sort. :eusa-think:

I'll get you a pic of mine also - they are the plastic ones - quite a bit different from the other ones posted.

Edited by timo4352

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Passed my cast WH rear wheel weights on to the sons long ago.


One time I made some usin' brake drums. I don't use weights too often, chains yes. Drill bolt mounting holes and fill with concrete.





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Charlie Smith

Cheers Richard, I never thought to look there, aha silly me, and Thank you timo4352 :)....

Passed my cast WH rear wheel weights on to the sons long ago.


One time I made some usin' brake drums. I don't use weights too often, chains yes. Drill bolt mounting holes and fill with concrete.



What brake drums did you use?



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Cheers Richard, I never thought to look there, aha silly me, and Thank you timo4352 :)....

Passed my cast WH rear wheel weights on to the sons long ago.


One time I made some usin' brake drums. I don't use weights too often, chains yes. Drill bolt mounting holes and fill with concrete.



What brake drums did you use?




Picked a few, don't know the brand, that had the right diameter. Got 'em at the junque for a couple of bucks.


A simple project.

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I finally got some pics of my wheel weights for you - if you still need them.

They are the plastic ones - sand filled? - I guess...

Hope this helps.




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Hi Charlie, here's couple of pic's of some wheel weights I made years ago.. Just steel filled with concrete..








They also doubled as duel wheel adapters :D



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Charlie, heres a pic of my 312-8 sporting a set of Simplicity 2 wheeled tractor weights off Grandad's old walk behind. They are not real heavy but I like how they look, and I get to take Grandad with me everywhere I go :)


Edited by Wheel-N-It
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I got a set of those. Used them on the 704.  :bow-blue:  :thumbs:



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I got a set of those. Used them on the 704.  :bow-blue:  :thumbs:



Oh, thats cool Mike!!! I like how they look on yours too! BTW, I got you on the prayer list for your shoulder surgery tomorrow :)

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Here is a set with out the valve stem cut out like the ones posted above, the ones with the cut outs are made for the D series, but will work on any 12" rim, the weights also came in 3 colors depending on the years they where bought off white, red, and black.


these are for sale in the classifieds also. 



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Charlie, heres a pic of my 312-8 sporting a set of Simplicity 2 wheeled tractor weights off Grandad's old walk behind. They are not real heavy but I like how they look, and I get to take Grandad with me everywhere I go :)


Van, I'm so with you on this one.  I have inherited lots of tools from my grandfather after he passed a few years back.  I'm sure most of us have for that matter.  I'm not going to hang the tools on the wall and treat them like "collectables" I'm going to use them.  Every time I grab a tool and put it in action I remember where I got it and think of him!

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Hey Brandon, good to see a fellow Okie here.

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I found four cut out 1 1/4" steel disk at the junk yard. They weight around 44# each. Had to turn down two of them to fit in the wheels.



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Here is a set of 25# barbell weights. I drilled out the holes for the bolts (easier said than done) and mounted them. If I need more weight its easy to add a 1" bolt thru the center and mount more weights. BTW the fit was great they sit just inside the lip.


Edited by clemedc
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While on the subject, where would a person find carriage bolts long enough to fit?

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I got my carriage bolts at tractor supply, they charge by the pound instead of by the piece

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I got my carriage bolts at tractor supply, they charge by the pound instead of by the piece

Same thing around home all the farm and fleet type stores have them by the pound and even ACE hardware has them. May try Home depot or lowes if thats all you have, but I try to support my local stores when possible.

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Charlie, heres a pic of my 312-8 sporting a set of Simplicity 2 wheeled tractor weights off Grandad's old walk behind. They are not real heavy but I like how they look, and I get to take Grandad with me everywhere I go :)

Those weigh about 25lbs a piece. I have 3 or 4 sets of them and one set of matching inner weights.

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