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Natural Soil Aeration

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Living in the country in East Texas has it's advantages.....then there are the hogs.  I had just finished leveling everything back out, sloped the creek for smooth water flow, and the grass was coming in.  Then the Hogs decided that it needed aerated...again Friday night.  These are some before and after shots.  Keeps the Horse busy!  (I hope the pictures come out.  If not, can someone help?) 









Edited by CasualObserver
added direct pictures to post.

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Picts worked for me.   :thumbs: 

Why do you think they were rooting around in there Dennis? 

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Is it "Open Season" on those HOGS?

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"wabbit season"

"duck season"

"wabbit season"

"duck season"

"wabbit season"

"duck season"


"porky season!!!"

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It is in fact Hog Season all year long, with no season, no limit.  This has happened about 4-5 times in the last couple years.  I guess they don't like the way I landscape, or there are especially tasty worms, roots, etc. under the grass there. Sunday night about 1130 PM, heard noises in front, looked out with the spotlight, 9 hogs making a quick break across the front of my yard.    They usually only stay for a day or two then move on.  Have heard that a herd of hogs can cover many miles, and leave a trail of freshly turned sod, in their quest for food foraging.  I relocated and baited the Hog trap Monday morning. Of course, nothing yet.

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What's a hog trap look like?    :scratchead:

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Here it is Craig.  My Son made this a couple of years ago.  Bait it up with corn, the bottle hanging down has some attractant in it. 



Edited by CasualObserver
inserted pic from link
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Ever caught one in it...what was that like?    :scared-eek: 

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Let me know if you need help.

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