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1056 transmission swap

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Will a 8 speed or a 6 speed transmission fit in a 1966 1056 and if so is there any plus to changing the transmission or it the original 4 speed my best bet to leave in Tractor

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OK. I'll go out on a limb and say "yes"  you can get an 8 speed to fit on your 1056.  Your 1056 is what is called a "short frame square hood".  The 1967 (867, 1067, 1267) are also short frame square hoods and have an 8 speed transmission WH # 5060.  This transmission should bolt right in...you may have to cut some metal out to make room for the hi/low shifter, and you might have to play with the linkage for the brake and the tension pulley (clutch).  I have 2...8 speed horses and I really never use the low part of the transmission, but if I had a snow blower to mount on one of them, I would probably be using the low side in deeper snow.  I do not do pulling, so I can not help you there. :)   Hope that helps.


BTW...Welcome to Red Square... :WRS:

Edited by stevasaurus

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Actually, a 1056 is a long frame tractor.

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Told ya I was out on a limb... :bow-blue:   The answer would still be yes. :)

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