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studding tires?

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I have a small wheel horse lawn ranger I just jack rigged a plow onto. I want to stud the tires for grip in the snow and ice. Is this a good idea. I dont want to spend the money on chains. I know the thing is small for pushing a plow but im going to add weight to the rear and I think it will do ok with the blade at an angle. Any opinions on studding the tires, methods? I was going to drill holes and do stubby bolts with big washers. Also, should I stud the front tires? Will I be able to steer in slick stuff if i do not?

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I have seen short screws driven into the thick part of the tread leaving the head exposed.

This will give you traction, but it will also wear the heads off if you drive much on dry pavement.

I think chains would be the best option, as you can remove them after winter, and re-install the following year and not have any damage to the tires.

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Your Idea will probably work, but with the time and money spent on doing it you could buy a set of used chains,  send me a PM I may have a set to fit your ranger and for about $35 I can ship them if I have them. 

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My son has a Ranger with a plow and will move a good amount of snow with chains and loaded rear tires. The front turf tires do slide sideways a bit so they are being replaced with tri ribs. These little guys will surprise you with what they can do! :handgestures-thumbupright:

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