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trans slipping out of 3rd gear

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hello my b112 seems to be slipping out of third gear can anyone help?? 

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First...Welcome to Red Square. :)   It looks like the B-112 has a Peerless 601-001 transmission...here is a link to the manual...



I am not familiar with these transmissions, but they do look very similar to the Wheel Horse transmissions.  What happens is when you shift gears without coming to a complete stop, grinding of the gears occurs.  When the gear becomes worn on the edges, it has a tendency to pop out under load.  These transmissions are fixable, and some one here may have a spare trans or parts.  In the Wheel Horse transmissions, it is the 2nd/3rd sliding fork gear and/or the input shaft gear that causes the symptoms you have.  Send a PM to "Kelly" or "racinfool40" and put an ad in the want ads section.  Your trans may be new enough to get parts from TORO, but you will want to tear it apart to determine which parts you need.  Hope that helps. :)  This link will show you what other Wheel Horse tractors used the same transmission...


Edited by stevasaurus

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thank you so much at first i thought the belt was kicking out of gear because the belt runs close to the shifter but then i took a closer look and saw that it wasnt and it would only pop out on a hill or when im pulling one more question how long can i go on a grinded gears

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You can use reverse, 1st, 2nd with no problem for a long time...if those gears do not pop out.  3rd will be fine with no load, as long as you make a complete stop to change gears.  I will say this...if you like this horse...and you should...see if someone comes up and has the parts you may need to fix the problem...make your decision then.  One thing I will tell you...this 3rd gear thing is a weak spot...I would think guys using the tractor running in 3rd gear hitting snow...backing up in reverse and hitting it again and spinning tires is the main cause of this.  My opinion. :eusa-think:   I do not know how long you have had the tractor.  Really...hitting snow is the only thing you would do in 3rd gear that would cause this....not a problem if you stop and shift gears...it is a tractor. 

Abuse is abuse...if you go beyond the limits. :bow-blue:


You are correct...it is not the belt...it is the wear on a couple of gears in the trans.

Edited by stevasaurus

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