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whistling starter

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Hey there,

Last night when I turned the key on my tractor the starter whistled twice before it actually engaged and cranked the engine. Anyone know what that could've been? Thanks in advance,


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  :ROTF: :ROTF:  seriously though :ROTF: :ROTF:  sounds like the bendix  is not sliding up the shaft when it is cranking

you probably need to remove it and clean and lube the shaft. hopefully  that is all !!

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Haha not quite like that! But do I take off the belt guard to clean it?

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Easier to remove the starter usually 4 bolts and a wire depending on the engine brand.  When you get it out try to clean the shaft as best you can with electrical contact cleaner or even brake cleaner without taking it apart.  Use a dry lubricant such as powdered graphite or it will just gum up with dirt again in a short time. 


If you have to take off the gear to get it cleaned properly be careful as the spring and internal parts will go flying and you will be on your hands and knees cursing.


You can bench test the starter with a pair of jumper cables and a battery to make sure you have it working properly but make sure it is well secured to the bench as they will jump right out of your hand.

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Your link didn't load for me Craig, and by the looks of things it's a good thing it didn't! :)

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Thanks. And its a Kohler. OK I'll take it off carefully and clean it. I really appreciate everyone's help on here! I'll have a lot more questions as time goes on haha.

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