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accessories for D-180

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i would like to know ,which accessories are or still available for connecting on the P.T.O  ?

i would like to know if a small bush hug or rough brush mower exist ?

i guess  it can not be to big to  branch on the D-180 .

the measurement of the center- set is around  20 inches between the three point 

so any bush hug of 42-48-60-72-84 are way to big

i figure sometimes like 36 inches could work ?

if not I still have the deck mower and i was wandering if any one had ever try to convert it into a bush hug ,on the back PTO ?


please comments !


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There was a 60" finish mower sold for the D's that was made for Wheel Horse by Woods I believe.  The problem with using Bush Hog's (equipment) made for other tractors is the PTO speed.  Wheel Horse PTO speed is 2000 rpm's while most other manufactures used a much slower PTO speed.

I havent heard of a bush hog that was marketed for our horses but I, like you, would like to have one!  Maybe someone else can shed some light on any alternatives.

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There was a 60 inch finish mower that went on the 3PTH for the D series, it was not a brush cutter. The problem with getting new attachments for a GT is that the GTs usually have a 2000rpm PTO output. Todays standard is 540 rpm. Nobody has come up with a speed reducer that can fit in the space of a GT 3PTH hook up and be tough enough to use for heavy/high impact loads like brush hogging and tilling. There were PTO speed reducers available for some of the other GTs (Bolens for one) but the manufacturer states that the reducers should only be used for constant load applications, mostly grain bin augers.


As far as making your own, I would like to one day attempt to adapt a gravely 30inch bush hog to run off my rear ptos. They are some of the toughest small bush hogs that you can get at a good price.

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Tech, there were also tillers, rear mounted backhoes, rear scraper blades, the 60 inch mower( mentioned above). Those are all rear. They have the 48 inch belly deck and belly grader blade, and a front mounted blade, snowblower, lawn sweeper, wood splitter and much more. That's just my limited knowledge

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Tech, there were also tillers, rear mounted backhoes, rear scraper blades, the 60 inch mower( mentioned above). Those are all rear. They have the 48 inch belly deck and belly grader blade, and a front mounted blade, snowblower, lawn sweeper, wood splitter and much more. That's just my limited knowledge


A wood splitter?  Where can I find one of those?  I'd love to get my hands on one.  At least one that doesn't cost more than one of the new stand-alone wood splitters.  If you know of any in the NE, I'd love to hear about it.

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I don't own one. I've only seen them. Many members have fabbed them up to.

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