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gt14 rear axle separation

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the rear axle on my gt14 from time to time will separate, left wheel from right wheel, tractor won't move, I have to jack it up, spin wheels in opposite direction until things line back up push together and it works fine until I drive on the wrong incline or turn the wrong way and it happens again  1.) any chance this will cause damage to rear end using this way mostly used for blowing snow may happen 2-3 times a winter but got deck installed this summer and have been quite please with the way it cuts grass 2.) what is involved in fixing, I presume rear ends needs to be split whatever is supposed to be there to hold them together replaced.  I guess I need to know what is suppose to be there and if this is something that someone with moderate mechanical skills can fix, I am fairly capable spinning wrenches but am more of a hammer and nails kind of kind guy.


Any input would be appreciated.

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There are snap rings on the end of the axle that hold the axle gears on and keep the axles from sliding out....you will have to split the trans to fix....leave the pump bolted to the gear drive on the side and remove the pump and drive assembly together...then all you will have is the trans assembly by it self...not much inside the trans portion ....the worst part of the whole thing is removing the hubs and rear hitch....you will need a hydro case gasket and a gasket were the gear drive bolts to the tranny and Jake Kuhn on this site has a few of those and the gaskets you can get thru RCPW parts....Not to tuff just time consuming...and might as well check all the bearings and seals while you have it apart and check the hydro filter/strainer also...any questions let us know we can walk ya thru it..




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While you're in there, check the parking pawl for wear and fix if necessary.

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Thanks for the advice, have the trans split, snap ring had slipped out of place was over the axle on the opposite side, put it back in place, bolted center gear back together, how tight should these bolts be, I held a wrench on one side and tightened down with an air tool just until there was some tension on the wrench.  So I will need the gasket for the left and right portion of the trans, probably worth doing the hydrogear and trans gasket as well, not sure which gaskets you said were available from someone on here, also could use a trans filter if these are still available.  One more quick question, 10w30 or ATF, manual says 10w30, ATF is what I drained out of it before I split it.



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You will want to use dextron V for your refill.

On the snap ring make sure the groove isn't worn, it probably is since it failed. Take it to a machine shop and have them cut the groove a little bit wider. You will want the to get another snap ring from Toro, as these are special, and another hardedned one from a good supply house. Take both of them to the machine shop so they can cut the goove to the spec of the 2 combined.

As for the trans gasket you will want the WH one as its is of a specific width to give clearence for the gears. It woould also make sence to at least replace the outer axle bearings and seals while your in there.

 You can get most if not all your parts from RCPW, partstree  or better yet your local Toro dealer. I use my local dealer and he has a site  http://www.mowerpartpros.com/p/McCabe-Outdoor-Power to get parts.

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thanks for all the info, all back to together and working again.

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