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Work starts on my GT 14

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Evening all, having decided to take a break from my 6X6 for a while (even though it does need more development work) I thought it was time I showed the GT 14 some love..

Now... Please don't get upset with me here.. Trust me, this is the last thing I wanted to do to the GT !!   But due to a lack of funds and time (as I need the GT reliably drivable asap), I have to do what I have to do!!

So what am I on about??   Swapping the engine.. But only until I can get the original sorted..   The problems it has include a very chewed up ring gear, engine running way too hot, blown head gasket, oil seeping out between the head and barrel, and oil being pushed out the engine at every available place!

The last two point to worn piston rings/bore which is pressurizing the crank case!!!   This will all take time and money which I just don't have at the moment...

Soooo, what's the temporary replacement engine?

Well, some of you know about a month ago I bought a Raider 10 from FleaBay..


That had been fitted with a decidedly non 10hp engine!!  A Kohler Magnum16 no less!


It was advertised as "it turns over well connecting a jump lead to the starter, but no spark from the plug".

So that's a knackered solenoid and judging from the photo's the.. Err.. rewire might not of been done right!!


Photo's lifted from the advert.







Anyway, after Ardingly Pete and I dug the engine out, the cobbled up wiring was ripped off, a very basic but right wiring loom put on, added some petrol and with a jump to the starter the engine fired up with no smoke or nasty noises. :handgestures-thumbup:

The first challenge was to get the engine onto the bench..


Lifting it on my own just wasn't and option, so out came a scaffold board and a couple of chairs..

Slide the engine up the board on a chair then transfer the engine to the other chair..


And then from the blue chair to the bench..




I knew I would have to swap crank pulleys with the GT engine, Much to my surprise the crank pulley came off quite easily!






Best remove all this carb linkage stuff as I just knew it would hit the gas tank if I was going to use it!





That looks better.





Although the new engine started and ran well, it had been subject to some interesting repairs at some point in it's life!!

Yep, that's a broken screw and a zip tie prtly holding the choke butterfly on!





I'm sure I had read or heard somewhere that 14 and 16hp carbs are the same size.. Hhmm.. Best have a look at the GT's carb..

The engine ready for removal.





Oil everywhere!





Think the carb needs a clean out before I use it!





With both carbs sitting side by side they looked the same size, so the 14hp carb was cleaned up inside and out and bolted onto the new engine.



A GT 0!





A Bench 30! :D





Getting the electric PTO off the 14hp is proving to be a problem.. Despite searching through every box, jar, tub, draw, bag etc in the shack I just don't have the right 5/8-11 x4" bolt in the place that is needed to get the PTO off the crank!

Some internet shopping is needed me thinks!





I did think about using this pulley that's on the remains of a KT-17 engine I have, trouble despite it being from an "auto" it's a bit smaller than the GT's pulley!





Sitting out in the shack this morning, coffee in hand looking at the engines on the bench.. Something about the 14hp carb was bugging me..


A second coffee and some careful measuring and I was right to go by my hunch that something wasn't right with the 14hp carb.. The internal diameter was a bit smaller than the 16hp carb!


Plan B.. Turn this...





Into this.. Something I should of done first time around!





And that's as far as I have got..  I hope to be at the point of bolting the new (temporary) onto the chassis tomorrow.. Minus pulleys but bolted on..

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953 nut

:text-goodpost:   This is good information, I had thought the 14 and 16 carbs were the same also. The pulley size may not be a problem on the Hydro. Since this is a temporary fix the pump running a slight bit slower wouldn't be a big deal as long as the belt will tension up OK.  :text-coolphotos: 

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Decided yet, how many wheels will end up on this one Ian?    :) 

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Nice Ian... to see you give that old girl some love Ian...

I have just rebuild my K301 thats goes on the auto 12 i have. but have not started yet.. :eusa-shifty:

if you look innside the carb, where the airfilter is attached in the top you will find a # on the carb..  my K 301 has #26 and the K321 has # 30  dunno what the K341 has. mabye # 34????

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Good start Ian, I knew the 16's were different. Aren't 12 and 14 carbs and ancillaries the same though? You got some k301 bits haven't you?

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Charlie Smith

Looking good, I'm loving the secret to getting the engine up onto the bench, hope to see further progress soon :D


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Dual Drive Horse

We have special lifting apparatus for getting Kohlers onto benches.......





It's called "Tim" you met him at Ardingly on the Sunday.

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Anglo Traction

Noticed the Choke lever is on the left of the intake on the 16hp Carb Ian. Is that how it should be?, or is it part of the Bodge/Botch by a previous highly skilled mechanic......Heath Robinson springs to mind.


The GT Carb has a bit of Sooting. That usually indicates some 'backfiring' in the past and with a tad of burnt Oil. It's good that your gonna open it up and check it out. Will be watching with interest,


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:text-goodpost:   This is good information, I had thought the 14 and 16 carbs were the same also. The pulley size may not be a problem on the Hydro. Since this is a temporary fix the pump running a slight bit slower wouldn't be a big deal as long as the belt will tension up OK.  :text-coolphotos: 


Interesting thinking about using the pulley off the KT engine.. anyone else have any thoughts on using a slightly small pulley on the new engine?  It might have to run with the smaller pulley for quite some time, so would it cause any damage to the trans under driving it??




Decided yet, how many wheels will end up on this one Ian?    :) 


Just the 5 Craig, just the five :D




Nice Ian... to see you give that old girl some love Ian...

I have just rebuild my K301 thats goes on the auto 12 i have. but have not started yet.. :eusa-shifty:

if you look innside the carb, where the airfilter is attached in the top you will find a # on the carb..  my K 301 has #26 and the K321 has # 30  dunno what the K341 has. mabye # 34????


Hi Lars.  I had a look in the 16hp carb, no # or any numbers in this one!!




Good start Ian, I knew the 16's were different. Aren't 12 and 14 carbs and ancillaries the same though? You got some k301 bits haven't you?


Howdo Mark, it's quite amazing how many parts are interchangeable between the carbs..  It would seem that 10,12,14 and 16 hp carbs all share the same size choke butterfly!

I changed the choke spindle for one from a 12hp carb, it fit's a treat!




Looking good, I'm loving the secret to getting the engine up onto the bench, hope to see further progress soon :D



Thanks Charlie.. The only problem using office chairs as part of the engine lifting technique is the chairs want to rotate adding an extra element of danger to the operation!!  But they were all I had available.




We have special lifting apparatus for getting Kohlers onto benches.......





It's called "Tim" you met him at Ardingly on the Sunday.


Morning Simon, do you hire out your "Tim" for engine moving duties?  :D




Noticed the Choke lever is on the left of the intake on the 16hp Carb Ian. Is that how it should be?, or is it part of the Bodge/Botch by a previous highly skilled mechanic......Heath Robinson springs to mind.


The GT Carb has a bit of Sooting. That usually indicates some 'backfiring' in the past and with a tad of burnt Oil. It's good that your gonna open it up and check it out. Will be watching with interest,



Morning Richard, the choke lever is on the right (or is it left) side of the 16hp carb, I'm not sure what the engine originally came out of, but by the way paint is missing from some of the cowling I'd say it did start life with a fuel tank bolted on! So it could of come from anything..

The downside to this carb is the choke operates in reverse to normal, so to close the choke I'd have to push the choke (on the dash) in!



The GT has had to take a back seat for a few days while I sorted my pile of spares out for sale, but more progress has been made.


The Magnum crankcase breather normally vents in the air cleaner, this wouldn't work with the GT's air cleaner set up so I swapped the crankcase vent for one I had sitting on the shelf.





To connect the throttle cable to the new engine I had to borrow the throttle linkage from the 14hp.





A quick bit of measuring to make sure I got the spring in the right place.





And a hole needed to be drilled in the M16 engine shroud.





Swapped over!





Rob gave me a hand dropping the M16 into the GT, and it was bolted in...


Looks good from this side.





Ah... I spot a slight problem.. The hood won't close!!





I was kind of expecting this to happen, there are four ways I can fix it..


1 - Cut or bend the hood to clear the engine..

2 - Reshape the top of the M16 shroud to clear the hood..

3 - Cut and graft in part of a K series shroud I have.

4 - Run without a hood!



Number 1 won't be happening..

Number 3 could cause more pain than it's worth..

Number 4 would be the easiest by far.. But it won't be happening as I want to look down the hood when I'm driving it, not at the engine..


I guess Number 2 it is..  That should keep me out of trouble for a few hours today :D

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Put a power bulge in the bonnet. :thumbs:

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Put a power bulge in the bonnet. :thumbs:

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is there an echo? :P

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Morning Guy's, there's not much point in me continuing with this thread, but as I've taken a few more photo's I might as well post them up.


The M16, engine cover got a bit of a trim..





Plated over.





The hood now closes with a little space to spare.





I still needed to get the rather stuck drive pulley of the scrap KT-17 engine to fit on the M16.

The flywheel refused to come off which meant I couldn't get the stator off to split the case and get the crank out to put under the press..


So... The case went under the press instead..   Great for anger management :)





The crank needed a gentle tap with a sledge hammer to get it to break.





As a bonus when the crank was hit the stuck flywheel popped off!





Then at long last the pulley came off.






So why is there no point in me continuing with this thread?


By the end of play yesterday the GT looked like this as I put her back to how she was so I can sell her..





Life has got in the way of fun, and at this point in our lives money is much more needed than 3 Wheel Horses...


I was going to sell my 312-8, but the thought of seeing it vanishing off in the distance on the back of a trailer is more than I handle..


So the GT's got to go.. :(:angry::(


I just want to climb into a bottle to be honest, but as the only bottles around here contain lemonade or cooking oil, it wouldn't be much fun!

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boooooger !!!!!

sad day mate :(

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Charlie Smith

Sad times :( you'll have another toy soon enough, :D

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Thanks Guy's, the GT's now listed in the RS classifieds :(

Edited by Stigian

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Double noooooo.... :(

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Charlie Smith

Might as well join in! :( triple NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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Dual Drive Horse

Quadruple Nnnoooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Sorry to hear that, hope it all comes good and you can get another, I know how much you wanted the GT.

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You have a PM Simon.

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Anglo Traction

Man that's a real b*****r Ian. I reckon you should fire up the 6x6 and go churn up some dirt............ you may feel just that tiny bit better.     

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Sorry to hear Ian... that sucks big..

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There may be hope for the GT yet!!

If I can sell enough Wheel Horse bit's on a certain auction site, then I can afford to keep the GT... :woohoo:


So with that in mind and me being a optimistic sort of chap, work started on the GT again yesterday..


Only the one photo, the 16hp engine almost ready to go in the GT... Again  :lol:





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Anglo Traction

Great news Ian !. Glad you found a way to keep it. :thumbs:

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