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C-105 Restore 1st Wheelhorse

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A Week ago today I picked up my first Wheelhorse, a C-105.


This tractor had belonged to one of my uncles and is in need of some TLC.  The deck on the C-105 is a 36" rear discharge, and without having pulled it off the tractor I known it needs a tensioning pulley, and the bracket for adjusting the deck on the right hand side was broken and is currently jury rigged. I have some wiring to do, and need to tack the right side of the hood back to the top.... I am sure there will be a long list as I get to know the tractor better.


Today I picked up my second Wheelhorse (I can feel the addiction starting already...) a GT-1100


I was able to mow with the GT-1100 today with no problems. I picked it up off Craigslist for $200. It is somewhat cobbled together. Someone had painted it baby blue (sorry for the bad pic) It has an enging shroud off another B/S engine (logo is upsidedown :smile:.)


I am intending to use steering, and deck parts as well as the seat, and sell the rest. I may just keep the deck off the GT since I prefer the side discharge.

From what I have seen so far it looks like the steering parts have the same part numbers between the two tractors.


This all started because I needed a mower to replace a Husquvarna that came with a Kohler Courage engine. I have no gripes about the mower, but the engine left much to be desired.


I am hoping to post my progress here and bounce around ideas.






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Ken B

Yep, it looks like you are well on yer way to being an addict! I would keep that deck under the GT for the C-105. Good solid decks are becoming harder too find these days. If the deck is quiet and not all rusted out it alone is worth the 200 bucks that you shelled out. Good luck on your restore.

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Has anyone had any luck repairing a steering shaft?  The shaft on the C-105 has one tooth missing.  Is it feisable to weld in a piece of square stock and grind back to the required dimesnions? If so I could keep both tractors in working order... Hmmm.

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:WRS:  And thank you for the photos.

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Has anyone had any luck repairing a steering shaft?  The shaft on the C-105 has one tooth missing.  Is it feisable to weld in a piece of square stock and grind back to the required dimesnions? If so I could keep both tractors in working order... Hmmm.



There's a bottom steering shaft listed on page 2 of the classifieds here - might be worth checking out . 

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Sorting out starter circuit issues on the C105... Over to the electrical postings for previously posted wisdom.

Edited by glkssailor

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It all starts with one then two, next thing you know you have 100+ like me, the deck on the 105 is a 42" RD deck, not a 36" and for the steering shaft, you can try welding it up, or buy a used shaft, I have a few in stock send me a PM if you need one. 

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No kidding, my boys are already at work on the third tractor... 



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:text-goodpost:   Awesome picture of another generation hooked on  :wh:   

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