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Dozer blade lift asm #7706

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I just picked up a 48" Long frame dozer / snow blade and hope to use it for both. :USA:  I was looking at the manuals and it mentions a optional 7706 lift asm for putting pressure down on the blade.


In the manuals it shows the part to be longer than the normal 7704 link. After looking around it seems this is an obsolete part  :eusa-think: .


       :confusion-confused:    Does anyone have a picture of one installed or loose or can measure one of these critters? 


I suppose I could made one since it is a straight bar with 2 holes from the explodes  :tools-hammer:


Do They Work Or Just A Pipe Dream?



Edited by Road-Track

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From my notes.

Lift link 7706 1/4"x1-1/4" flat stock 12-1/2" OL 3/8" pins 11-1/2" c/c, Pins stick out 5/8"


You remove the mower lift arm and chain and install the long link to the lift arm on the lift.


I think I made one of these. Drilled holes in the bar for 3/8" bolts about 2" long. Cut the threads off and drilled small holes for quick pins. Welded the heads of the bolts to the back side of the flat stock with each facing opposite directions. This way you do not need a large offset in the bar to line it up vertically. The small pin holes are 90 degrees to the bar with a good chamfer on each hole so the pin easily finds the hole. That way I know where the pin holes are and can install the pins blind.



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Thanks Gary!


 Do you have to remove the lift bar and chain or can you make a bend around it. I heard of another lift link for the grader blade that can be used? :scratchead:


Do you use the normal hole on the dozer frame or the slotted hole? :banghead:


:text-imsorry: Sorry for all the questions, but I want something that can be changed quickly and not take parts off that get lost. :angry-cussingblack:

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You may be able to tie the mower lift bar up and go past it with the lift link. Adjust the offset kinks in the bar to suit. Each installation will be different depending where the rear axle quich hitch ends up and how well it centers the A-frame on the tractor. Sure worth a try.


I use the round hole on the 8-speed because of the manual lift - it just floats. A hydraulic lift would use the slot hole I would think.



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Lane Ranger

Here are some pictures of the Wheel Horse solid lift link Part No.  7706:










Edited by Lane Ranger

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