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Time to get ready for Portland IN show

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We will be leaving some time next week to be at the big tractor show in Portland, IN and will be set up at the Lawn and Garden Collector Magazine booth.

Now Brandon Pfeiffer who owns the Lawn and Garden Collector Magazine is a John Deere guy ........ and last year he did have his John Deere buddies to stop by the booth with their John Deere tractors ...... well after the Mighty Lawn Ranger Six Speed ripped the frames out from underneth a few of 'em .... they backed off. So ifn's the John Deeres retaliate this year .... I jus' might need some help from the Wheel Horse folks! :whistle:

So if your at Portland show stop by the Lawn and Garden Collector Magazine booth and say Hi! B)B)B)

Wild Bill in Richmond, Va.

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Teddy da Bear

I'll stop by (or limp by) with my wife. I would ride by, but the "no ride" without insurance is why I am leaving my tractors home.

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