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New from Cleveland, OH

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Hello there!  I'm a bit of a dabbler in the lawnmower scene as of late.  Normally I'm working on cars, but since I purchased my first home I'm scaling it down a bit.  As of right now I have an older Wheel Horse Suburban (I think?) that was a project of my pops that he unfortunately never lived to start.  It's already giving me headaches with finding a recoil starter for it, so if you know of any that match up with a K91 Kohler 4 hp motor I'm all ears!


The other mower I have is a late 60s Jacobsen Chief 1200.  It was a mower that I actually learned to mow with (and made money as a kid with), then sold it away when I was about 12.  After my grandpa passed last year I was able to purchase it back, but everything was done in that Depression Age fashion :-.  As of right now I've got most of the kinks sorted out (like actually being able to stop it again), and the next little project for that one is to disassemble and rebuild the carb since it's dying out after it's been running for about 30 minutes.  It'll starve itself out unless I push the choke all the way up, and it gets worse as I go along.  My first guess is that it's the float or one of the jets are clogged up, OR my grandfather did a hack job rebuilding it the first time.


Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of my "rigs".  Truth be told, I don't even have a lawn large enough to need one of these, but it's still fun to tinker around with them.








And so far this has been a thorn in my side.  I've taken the recoil apart already, tinkered with the springs made sure everything was in proper motion, and it's gone from doing absolutely nothing but spinning freely, to actually grabbing the starter cup, but it won't recoil at all.  I'm in need of a new recoil starter and possibly ignition cup as this one seems to just be plain old worn out.




Alright, I promise I'm not that insane of a rambler but I tried to get everything on the table!  See you around on the boards!

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You dont a huge lawn to own a barn full of tractors!!

Nice lookin machines.



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Haha, truth be told MY yard is only about 50x150.  My parents' place was on an acre though, and as a kid I was the neighborhood yard boy, so I was mowing about 8-10 acres of lawn each summer.  

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Welcome Boom, from a fellow Buckeye. You're about 50 miles northwest of me. I'm over near Warren but still in P{ortage County. Location is in my Signature. Good to hav you here, you can check with the local onsite vendors for you recoil, and ebay is another source for parts. Good luck with that nice looking round hood you have. :)

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You're in good company here. 


Edited by amcrules00

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Jake Kuhn


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Welcome to the Forum :)

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can whlvr


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Welcome to RS.  I'm out in the snowbelt with Jim.

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JC 1965

Hello and  :WRS:

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