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Hi-Low fork wear

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Working on a C-141 I got at an auction (so I know no history).  Has gotten difficult to shift between lo and hi.  Got stuck in low recently.  Opened her up and found the fork was not bent but had been worn down until it was very thin with sharp edges on the forks tines.  I have knives that are not that sharp.  The wear seemed to be on the top indicating it is  constantly pushed up against the gear cluster..  The poppet ball and spring were in place and I thought that they and the machining on the bolt determined the position of the fork.  Is there a shim or adjustment I am missing?

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Where is Mike (racinfool40)...he will know the answer to this one.  Paul, I really just deal with the early transmissions so far.  I do know there is a torque on the bolt that holds that...and there was a service bulletin about it.

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I've had a 1979 C-121 with the fork worn through. It can easily be twisted if forced and then it will continue to rub until the material wears away.


They can be fixed relatively easy...

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The fork didn't seem to be twisted.  In the first picture you can see a thread of metal that was being peeled off the fork.  Don't see any matching wear on the gear, I guess the gear is harder. I have a new fork to put in but don't want to until I am sure it will not get eaten up also.


 b56faa255447026.jpg a7b34f255447028.jpg



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the fork is much softer than the gear - which is hardened for long life. Yours looks the same wear as the one I repaired.

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