homegrownusa 4 #1 Posted March 17, 2013 I am new to gardening and the tiller attachment for my 520h. I just found a great deal in a new (used one time) tiller for my 520h. It still has paint on the tines. I got the manual and began mounting yesterday. Well I have a bad back and realized real fast that it would be almost impossible to have it in place, lift it into the rear axle brackets and lock into place by myself. The manual is not clear if you are suppose to remove the bolted on mounting "bracket" from the tiller first then once it is mounted...bolt the tiller gearbox to it. That seems crazy to me to do it that way but you could read the manual that way. Anyway, does anybody have any idea how to mount it easy without breaking my back? Is this a reason to get a cheap dedicated tiller tractor? I am hoping someone has an easy cure. Please help! I mow mainly with this tractor every week. I will need to be able to switch over from time to time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If I can't figure things out I may just sell it and try something else. That would be a real bummer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Callen 64 #2 Posted March 17, 2013 Can you lift it in to the bracket with a small hydraulic jack? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ba2988 27 #3 Posted March 17, 2013 I'm also interested to hear if anyone has an easy method to mount the tiller. Here is how I do it...I have a chain hoist suspended from the ceiling of my shed - I hook it to the tiller bracket (I think to the diagonal brace on the tiller bracket) near the part that hooks into the attachment bracket on the tractor axle. The I use the chain hoist to slowly raise the tiller bracket into position...I can get it pretty close. Then I press down on the rear of the tiller to tilt it the rest of the way up into place. Its the best way I have found so far.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rock farmer 41 #4 Posted March 17, 2013 This should be any easy strieght forward operation. You will need the optional lift assembly. And, the rear tach-a-matic bracket. The tiller will simply insert into the tach-a-matic hitch under the rear axel. No bolting or un bolting required. The manual would tell a new owner how to assemble the tiller as received from the factory. But once that's done once you are set to go. Do you have the center idler pulley setup? Some pictures would be helpful. Keep us posted on your progress! Joe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KC9KAS 4,742 #5 Posted March 17, 2013 homegrownusa , and 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
homegrownusa 4 #6 Posted March 17, 2013 I can't lift with hydraulic jack...not enough room. A chain hoist might work well but I don't have one. I am thinking I might build a box to set the whole tiller up about 8 inches. Just above where it should connect under the axle. Then I could lean on the hitch on the tiller and wiggle it into place. Release my weight then it would rise into place where I could flip the latches. I would store the tiller on the box that way I wouldn't have to pick it up anymore. I do have all the attachments, belts and pulleys to mount it. I will post pictures soon. Thank you for the warm welcome. This is my first forum too... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #7 Posted March 17, 2013 i have a scissor jack to lift my tiller bracket ,its not a real easy job to put the tiller on and off,i leave mine on a dedicated tractor,my first 414,its a great tractor with enough power to turn the tiller,the tiller can be swapped,but not as easy as a mower 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
homegrownusa 4 #8 Posted March 18, 2013 The hoist worked. I used a nylon strap and pulled it up with ease. Thanks guys....unless someone else knows a better way I am satisfied. Actually I think this should have been explained in the manual. A balance point is exactly in the right place. I will try to post pics. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rock farmer 41 #9 Posted March 18, 2013 Congrats! I think you'll be we'll pleased with that setup! Make sure you have the right position on the rock shaft. (Under the steering wheel) Or, it won't dig in deep enough or else raise enough. Joe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mark0495 0 #10 Posted March 24, 2013 Hello im new to the forum and new to wheel horse. however i just recently bought a used 520 H tractor. it came with a 60 inch mower, 48 inch plow/snowblade and a 36 inch snow blower......ive been curios about a tiller attachment for it and came across this forum and now this post. so my question is. what is the serial number for your tiller ? or does anyone know what all tillers will directly fit the 520H without mods to the existing equiptment. thank you everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #11 Posted March 25, 2013 mines a 7-1252 and it will directly fit,but there is many models that will,the 7-1252 is a 1975 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
homegrownusa 4 #12 Posted March 25, 2013 I will look but it will be a few days. I had the same question. After getting one it appears many different years fit. The tiller I bought was from 2006 gt classic. It fits fine as I already had rear axle mount that was for a mid mount blade. I asked for numbers from my local shop before purchase. They gave me one but it wasn't anything close to what was on the tiller. I took a chance as the tractor chassis looked just like mine. It fits fine. The belt and tensioner even worked just great. It tills really good once you setup the chain slack. Too tight and the tiller won't drop all the way down and too lose you can lift it up to transport. I guess if it had a little more travel up and down that wouldn't be a problem but the lift is limited in travel. Does your tractor already have the rear lift cable installed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gwest_ca-(File Mod) 11,195 #13 Posted March 25, 2013 The 1986-1989 tiller was 07-36TL03 Replaced by 07-36TL04, 07-36TL05, 79370 Replaces 7-1251, 7-1252, 67-36TL01, 77-36TL01, 77-36TL02, 87-36TL01, 97-36TL01, 07-36TL01, 07-36TL02 The early models did not have the fuel tank under the seat so kits were available to make them work on the tractors that do. Garry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
farmer 1,078 #14 Posted March 26, 2013 I made a dolly for use with my tiller ( another members idea ) and it works perfectly, four lenghts of 4" x 2" screwed together to make a 'frame' then just some old furniture castors to roll it around on. You do need a good surface in your garage, the tiller sits safely in the cradle at just the right height to roll in /out. Being on castors the tiller can be lined up very easily, latch it on, then connect the lift cable, easy peasy . If you need pictures I'll get some, hope this helps. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lane Ranger 11,075 #15 Posted March 26, 2013 I have a dolly on rollers for my Mighty Mac shredder/hammermill attachment for the Wheel Horse and that works well. Like Farmer says that might be a good option too for those that don't have a place to use a hoist to lift the tiller into place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ericj 1,578 #16 Posted March 28, 2013 my tillers do a great job but it is the hardest attachment to put on a wheel horse that i ever have mounted. i use a 2x4 and lift the tiller up into the quick attach but you have to make sure it is aligned perfectly or it won't go in. love the tiller just hate mounting it eric j Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oneroadkingman 53 #17 Posted March 29, 2013 hello I got a tiller too when I bought my 520 but I've never played with it yet to try to hook it up so hopefully I'm learning something here I'll let you know when I get around to getting hooked up the what kind of fun I had Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #18 Posted March 30, 2013 the tiller is a REALLY good reason to have a few horses,i leave my tiller on a dedicated tractor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obviouslytad 0 #19 Posted April 26, 2013 You guys are way ahead of me! I recently bought my first "tractor", a Wheelhorse 520H and am confused about the rear hitch assembly and how the attachments connect to the tractor. Where do I buy the rear lift assembly and cable to use with rear attachments? I think I just have the standard rear hitch but it does look like there is a bracket attached to the rear axle for attaching... something? I have a manual but it doesn't elaborate on rear hitches or assemblies, only goes on to say that there is a sleeve hitch required for most attachments, details not included. Anyway, this tractor is in Southwest Michigan and I'm looking for some guidance and support! Any advice for a beginner with not a whole lot of extra time on his hands? I need to get my land tilled so I can get these seedlings in the ground! Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
312Hydro 474 #20 Posted April 26, 2013 Your rear bracket will work with a snowplow and the tiller.Take a look up by your filter where the leaves are and clean them out . There may already be the tube for the lift cable. Some tractors came with them,my 312H had it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whamm511 13 #21 Posted January 11, 2019 Does anyone know if the Tiller for the 86 - 89 model 520H’s will work on a 97 520H? That’s Model # 07-36TL03. I’m looking to buy one but if it won’t work on my ‘97 then I don’t want to make a mistake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WVHillbilly520H 10,376 #22 Posted January 11, 2019 1 minute ago, whamm511 said: Does anyone know if the Tiller for the 86 - 89 model 520H’s will work on a 97 520H? That’s Model # 07-36TL03. I’m looking to buy one but if it won’t work on my ‘97 then I don’t want to make a mistake. YES it will as I have an older tiller I use on mine... Now do you have the rear axle bracket/hitch for a snow plow/blade? as well as the rear cable lift and rockshaft for a sleeve/clevis/slot hitch? As you will need both mount and lift the tiller, make sure it comes with the mid-tach idler pulley and a decent belt (1/2" x 141"). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whamm511 13 #23 Posted January 11, 2019 Yes, it’s coming with all of that. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites