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How To - Duplicate a Tractor Wiring Harness

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Save Old Iron

I know when this subject came up a year or so back, I put together a quick drawing on how I used to duplicate a tractor

wiring harness using a section of plywood as a guide. I recently broke down and purchased an expensive open

terminal crimper to do a half dozen or so C series harnesses for family and friends. I figured "In for a dime ,

In for a dollar" and decided to share a real life example of a harness replication jig.


The board is just a scrap piece of MDF which was either going into the garbage or was going to be

put to some temporary but significant use. Some scrap MDF shelving laying next to a C series in need of

repair and Bingo -here we are.


If the original harness can be pulled out of the tractor without too much damage, layout the

harness on the board in a logical arrangement which will make use of all the landscape on the


Major connection points can be held in place with screws or rotating screen door latches.


The same latches can be used to call out major artery junctions in the harness. The latches can be

used to secure the old harness to the board and create the jig


The latches can be rotated to allow easy removal of the old

harness or the completed new harness.


Single wires can held in place with wire hold-downs used for bell cable or speaker wire.


The length of all the OEM wiring is called out and the jig allows for increasing the length of wiring as required for custom installs.




The crimpers and terminal rings should arrive early next week. I'll finish, wrap and test the new harness and post additional pics at that time.

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Great idea. Will be watching on the progress. Termination is the biggest part for me. 

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JC 1965

Wow Chuck !!   That's a great idea, thanks for sharing. You always make things look easy and the pics are a great learning tool. Can't wait to see the end product.  thanks !!   :thumbs2:  

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What a great way to make up a new harness.


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Nice one.I have to do my Harness as part of my resto,i will be using you idea thanks

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Very clever idea.

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Very helpful. Thanks!!

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Thanks Chuck   We should archive this in the Instruction file for future reference!

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can whlvr

very cool,maybe you should sell harnesses to guys who dont have your skills,you could recoup some of your tool cost,just thinking aloud

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Chuck,   How much wood would the 520-H harness need!  lots!!

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hey Chuck that's a great idea.for someone like me who is electrically challenged Lol.I purchase last year a 520 H also. but over the years the wiring harness was cut up to eliminate safety switchs now it doesn't run and I'm not sure what goes where any more.thanks in advance for your help.

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Save Old Iron

Thanks all,


I am keeping track of what a C series harness would cost to duplicate. Since I need to make 3 or 4 for myself and 2 for a neighbor, I should have a very good handle on cost of materials and an accurate labor cost.


The big ticket item anyone would have to consider is the terminal crimper. A good quality double crimper for non insulated terminals is going to run from $40 - $50. Anyone contemplating doing their own harness would have to contend with that cost first when making a buy / make your own decision. Connector shells in 10 packs are way cheaper than single unit cost and terminals in 100 packs are less expensive than 25 packs.


Maybe if the labor time is low enough, I could push out a few more and list them in the classifieds. Stay tuned, the crimpers arrived today and I should have a finished harness with some cost calculations by the weekend. 

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Wow Chuck, I desperately need a new harness for my C-141 Automatic but don't have the crimper or skill/experience/time to learn, to make one. (Though I enthusiastically concur your idea and instruction are both terrific.)

Would you possibly be willing to sell me one? Or if not, might you know anyone who could?

Dale in CT

Ph 203-605-9629

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Great job Chuck. I am about to make a harness for my 417A and can't find a source for good quality locking connectors that insert into the various plugs. Also I don't mind spending the money for a good crimping toll that will do the job properly. Good tools save money in the long run.

So if you don't mind, what terminal crimper did you purchase and what is your source for the terminals?


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interested in Chucks response too......


i get most of my stuff through del city and mouser.


my 416 build has some more details on the 400 series harness replacement and fabrication.....



also, when i first started to redo the wiring on my tractors with new terminals/ plugs etc i did a thread on my c160 harness rebuild. this has all the info on terminals i bought as well as the crimper etc.....



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Save Old Iron

I'll dig thru my old ebay buys and give you exact #'s


I don't bother running around in circles with local businesses anymore.


I let Ebay, USPS and UPS be my hunter / gatherers.

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I feel the same way about the local business Chuck. The only one i use regularly is NAPA. I know the guys, and they always help in anyway they can. The Toro dealer i supported for years, even before i was into the tractors, they have other interests too. But they are really only interested in the big ticket items, spare parts for the wheel horses is not of interest to them......


Buying online, If you are smart with the shipping prices, you come out way ahead of buying local, the only time its a hassle is when you get a defective part and the return process can be a pain. thankfully that hardly ever happens....

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How does this work when there are two wires going into the same terminal? My 416H with the Onan engine only uses 4 of the 5 slots in the ignition switch connector. 3 have two wires connected to them.

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If you are talking about crimping two wires into the same terminal, get some terminals for 10-12 ga as well as the 14ga for your wire (if you are using 14 as a standard). the larger 10-12 will accommodate the 2x 14 ga wires better and give you a nicer crimp than trying to jam 2x 14ga. into a 14ga. terminal. (which are mostly 14-16 or 14-18ga.)

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