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Charlie Smith

Snow Again!

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Charlie Smith

Hello All,

Haven't been on here in a while so thought I'd post a new topic. With all this snow already here in the UK and lots more to come. I've just come back in from outside, I went out to check if my little raider 10 was all okay. Just mainly wanted to see if the battery was fully charged ready for tomorrow's snow blowing and maybe the odd bit of fun sledging, ahaha. Turns out. Snow can get into my shed. :( good thing though. All okay battery charged and I'm now prepared for this snow :D

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Sounds like the Boy Scouts of America, "Be Prepared!" :smile:

I love my old Raider 12, a Stallion mowin', blowin', plowin'.

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look forward to the pics!  barely any snow up North, it was all piled up on the way down, almost 7 hours from yorkshire to essex :(

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Just a dusting here during the day today but it's forecast to be heavy in West Sussex tonight so we may get some in Hampshire. Left the plow on the C-120 just in case it returned which it may. :handgestures-fingerscrossed:

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Charlie Smith

It's quite bad here and still hasn't stopped, might need more then one wheel horse to clear it tomorrow. Bring down a fleet lol.


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There have been blizzards on and off here today, but nothing really settling until the temperature dropped about 4.30pm..

The way it's coming down now I might need a shovel to find my way to the shack in the morning!!!!


The Met office has issued an amber warning for Kent, East Sussex and West Sussex now!!!


I'm just glad I managed to get the grass cut before winter returned.... The snow on the lawn will look much neater in the morning with well cut grass underneath it :D

Edited by Stigian

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Charlie Smith

Yes I cut mine a while back, rabbits keep mine down all year round though. :D


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Some of you guys in the UK have been hit hard with nasty weather................ Flooding in the warm months, and lots of snow in the Winter and now even March. I'm getting my Wheel Horses ready for mowing season here where I live. It was 70degrees F here today.

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Charlie Smith

We did have two or three days of lovely mowing weather a week or so back, but then the weather took a change for the worse,


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When I went to bed last night the snow was falling great guns, very heavy.. So I was expecting it to be quite deep by this morning..

Er.... In some places it is.. In some places there's less snow than last night!!!


Strange weather eh..


It's still snowing now but is forecast to stop by midday, so I doubt it's worth getting the snowplow out..

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Charlie Smith

Still blowing a blizzard here, must be about a foot in some places, ill uploads pics later :D


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A foot of snow Charlie, very nice...

We might have drifts of up to 3 or 4 inches in places!!


Not much really, but enough to turn our lane into a ice rink once a few cars have been over it!

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Charlie Smith

Yeah, we're having it bad here it's still non stop blizzards :( a lot of the neighbours are moaning, me, I'm loving it, aha, and yeah a foot and abit now took my dog (jack russel) out for a walk. And couldn't see him, it was only the steam coming from his nose you could see.


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You should of tied a small flap and pole to your dogs tail :D

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Charlie Smith

Aha yes, brilliant idea. Or I shall just tow him around on a trailer all day, :) although, he wouldn't sit still long enough the little bugga would keep jumping off, he loves the white stuff.


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Well that snow didn't last long, 85% thawed out here now!!

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can whlvr

wish our snow would go away that fast

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  On 3/12/2013 at 7:59 AM, Stigian said:

, so I doubt it's worth getting the snowplow out..

You know how it is. If you mount up your snow gear you wont see a single flake....but if you leave the snow gear in the shed unmounted the drifts will be so big your petrified to make the trek out to the shed for fear of getting lost in the blizzard!


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Charlie Smith

Yes, about 65% cleared up here now, weather can't make up its mind, snow the sun,


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It's been quite a nice day here today, then suddenly at about 3pm the weather changed to on/off blizzards again!!  It's not settling though..

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  On 3/11/2013 at 7:44 PM, wheeledhorseman said:

Just a dusting here during the day today but it's forecast to be heavy in West Sussex tonight so we may get some in Hampshire. Left the plow on the C-120 just in case it returned which it may. :handgestures-fingerscrossed:


It never did ! Woke up to clear blue sky and sunshine which didn't last.


There was a mini snow storm this afternoon but it disappeared pretty quickly without trace.


This is the weirdest weather and snow ever - it seems to evaporate away without melting prob something to do with the strong winds.


The Met Office have said it's coming from Scandinavia - perhaps Lars can explain.



  On 3/12/2013 at 10:43 PM, Sparky said:

, so I doubt it's worth getting the snowplow out..

You know how it is. If you mount up your snow gear you wont see a single flake....but if you leave the snow gear in the shed unmounted the drifts will be so big your petrified to make the trek out to the shed for fear of getting lost in the blizzard!



I think you could be on to something there Mike.

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