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Question for Tall Grass Mowers & Deep Snow Blowers

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When you folks are mowing tall grass or blowing deep snow, are you seeing any slippage with the PTO itself? I get some belt slippage sometimes with mowing, but have not used the blower to notice. Thanks! Bill

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Fun Engineer


The only time I get any slippage on my snowblower pto is when I try to hog too much wet snow. Generally the auger stops and the pto continues to spin. I don't mow with the tractor so I can't help you there.



I need to add that when we get snow, we get alot of it. February 2013 was the second snowiest February since they have kept records.  I generally don't have a problem with the snow even when its wet as long as I keep up with it.

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The only time I have had slippage in the snowblower was when i got a stick in the auger... Although there were a few times when trying to blow heavy wet slush that it did seem like the auger was slowing down a bit, although he PTO did not slow down.

I did have trouble with slipping PTO, but that was because the front bearing in the PTO was going bad, and the friction would cause the whole thing to slow down and wobble and force the lock ring off the stub shaft. Took me a while to figure this out, as when you move the PTO engagement lever, it would often pop back into place.

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I've had slippage in the mower belt before the PTO drive belt. Mostly, though,

the engine starts to lug and that's been my cue to back 'er off.



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I have cut extremely heavy grass with my 310-8/37"SD for the past 15 years -- That set up has a single belt from the PTO to the mower -- I have replaced that belt once or twice from stretching -- I have had slippage of the PTO clutch; BUT in retrospect I had over the years of taking the belt off and puting it back on moved the trunion back enough to cause the problem -- Once I tightened the contact between the PTO plates back up, everything was OK -- Like Jeff said the engine RPM is the best indicator -- Mind you an awful lot of the extreme grass cutting was done in 1st gear in low range

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Once in a while if I'm hogging tall grass/weeds in the field behind my house I'll get a little belt slippage. Usually I can hear the engine start to lug down before the belt actually slips. If I'm going to be at it for a while I tighten the tensioner (mule drive) a little more, but I back it off as soon as I get back to normal mowing so as not to stress the bearings on everything.


Duff  :thumbs:     

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The only time I have had a belt slip was last Summer. The left side blade on one of my 48" mowing decks would turn slow in heavy grass. I had replaced the belt on the deck that goes from blade to blade to blade, but that did not help. I'm thinking now it needs a new tensioner spring. Never had a problem with the PTO.

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can whlvr

when this happens watch to see if its the belt or the plate slipping againt the clutch ,if its the clutch then turn the trunion in towards the pto lever,try a turn at a time

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I never had any slippage mowing grass.  It just doesn't get that thick here.

Blowing snow with a two-stage, if it is very heavy, and I am going through drifts more than 2 feet high, 

I will get belt slip if I push forward too fast.  

The RPM's will slow down enough to warn me first. 

I've never had slip at the PTO.

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The only time I have had a belt slip was last Summer. The left side blade on one of my 48" mowing decks would turn slow in heavy grass. I had replaced the belt on the deck that goes from blade to blade to blade, but that did not help. I'm thinking now it needs a new tensioner spring. Never had a problem with the PTO.

It could be worn out pressed steel pulleys. My deck would mow the lawn but in heavy grass the blades would slow down and stop if I didn't disengage the PTO. The slide may not be working. I had to make the nylon blocks for mine and weld up the slide and grind it back down to make it work. I also used a set of Double-D cast iron pulleys that we bored out sleeved and faced off to fit metric spindles.

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When the grass is tall and/or wet and the snow is deep and heavy I can hear the belt start to whine if Im going too fast. I just go a little slower when that happens.

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