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Drill/Tap engine block

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I am trying to replace a K301 that has a bad rattle , with a different engine.

As far as I can see, most everything will swap over. Except the new engine does

not have the second set of tapped holes on the PTO side.

It has the larger set , but not the smaller set closer to the crank .

One of these holes is used to hold the Belt guard on, and one is used for the bracket for the PTO lever (along with one larger hole).

I guess that I'll just have to drill and tap them?

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Another silly question. Please reply if you know because I need to do this tonight.

Does the long (tall) dipstick tube screw out like a pipe so that I can install the plug looking dipstick.. I CANNOT afford to ruin this block with something stupid.

I don't think that the hood will close with the tall dipstick.

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Wooo Hooo!! Yes, I know that I am talking to myself. But I got the exhaust bolts out without breaking either of them off!!! :horseplay: :horseplay:

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Most times the dip stick tube is pressed in, and will not be threaded, I have one tractor that way and someone cut the tab off so there is just a cap and it just fits, as for the holes I have a block that has the holes but not taped I need to tap them also. Good luck

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Yeah, I am afraid that the tube is just pressed in. I turned it a little and it moved up, but not enough as it would have if it was pipe thread. (for as many turns as I made.). Crap, now I'm not sure how I want to handle this.

I guess that I could just cut a hole in the hood for the dipstick to poke through..

Just kidding!

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Pull it and see if the block is threaded?? you can always put it back in.

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Cut the tube off the needed amount-and cut the stick off the same amount-put lines on it for full,etc-AL B)

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Good idea Lefttackle. I was considering cutting the top of the dipstick off and trying to bend the finger hook and crimp where it stops the cork B)

That way I would save the marks.

Your way sounds easier.

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