HokieAg07 129 #1 Posted March 3, 2013 Well today was the day to get the 520 ready for the season. Engine and trans oil changes, tune up, de-carbon the heads, and adjust the valves. This is the first time I have torn this tractor down since I got it last year. '96 model with 430 hours. Engine was very clean inside with so little carbon that some Gum Cutter and a towel removed it. Valves were out about 0.001-0.002. Did manage to break off a bolt in each head so that prevented me from getting done today. About the extent of the carbon in the heads Pistons/Valves Only took some solvent and a rag to get them clean Broke of bolts 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #2 Posted March 3, 2013 That looks like a well kept machine, and your doing it right by keeping up on the service that most often never gets done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheelhorse84 87 #3 Posted March 3, 2013 So to do that job you need to remove all that stuff and engine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HokieAg07 129 #4 Posted March 3, 2013 Only way to get to rear cylinder head Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheelhorse84 87 #5 Posted March 3, 2013 Wow. I wonder how much the dealers charge for that job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leeave96 488 #6 Posted March 3, 2013 I need to de-carb the heads on one of my 520H tractors and am not looking forward to it. I have a Kohler Command twin on another color tractor of mine and it seemed like every other bolt broke taking the tin off of it to get to the heads. I know the importance of decarbing the heads on these Onans, but fear, as you encountered, shearing a bolt and opening another can of worms. My gut says, if it ain't broke. don't fix it and I wonder to what extent one can deal with carbon with additives and leave a good running engine intact. I really like the Onans in my Wheelhorse tractors, but somehow if I blow one, I will likely replace it with a nicely rebuilt Kohler K or Magnum single cylinder cast iron engine. Good luck, Bill Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MalMac 1,332 #7 Posted March 3, 2013 leeave96 I am right there with ya. I have got a 520 that needs to have all the de-carb thing done but I hate to tear it down. It is runnings so strong ever since I got the carb good and clean. The old adage If It ain't broke don't fix it keeps ringing in the back of my mine. It's kind of a catch 22 if you go and do the proper maintance you will cause more problems. If don't do the maintance you will cause problems down the road. I guess ethier way you gona have problems after all it's a Onan. Great motors till you work on them or don't work on them. I'll take my old K Kohler's any day. It's just hard to beat that Onan power though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ericj 1,578 #8 Posted March 3, 2013 the problem with the bolts that broke off in the heads is that they don't go straight down in they go in on a slight angle so when you drill them out be careful, don't ask how i know this, but in the end it don't really matter because i have some heads that were drilled straight and retapped and works okay, but if you can do it right you should try. just a heads up eric j 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjstuds 0 #9 Posted March 4, 2013 i work for a gm dealer, and i recently just bought a 93 520h with 286 hrs. we use a additive that we pour in the intake to loosen up carbon on the valves and intake. would something like that work on a onan engine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankman 3,520 #10 Posted March 4, 2013 i work for a gm dealer, and i recently just bought a 93 520h with 286 hrs. we use a additive that we pour in the intake to loosen up carbon on the valves and intake. would something like that work on a onan engine?And Sir, "What is the additive called?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HokieAg07 129 #11 Posted March 4, 2013 i work for a gm dealer, and i recently just bought a 93 520h with 286 hrs. we use a additive that we pour in the intake to loosen up carbon on the valves and intake. would something like that work on a onan engine? GM Top Engine Cleaner is good stuff. I would equate it similarly to SeaFoam. Definitely cant hurt as a regular maintenance practice. I just wanted to see the engine internals for myself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puddlejumper 67 #12 Posted March 4, 2013 Question, definitely not a suggestion, I have seen a few older mechanics one was a head mech at a ford dealership, and heard a few talk about warming a car engine up wrap her up good and tight and pour water in the carb to the point of almost killing it to decarb pistons and valves has anybody else seen or heard this and has anybody tried it on a small engine. This ought to get some responses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roscoemi 245 #13 Posted March 4, 2013 I've heard of it, the steam effect it was called. High pressure steam will cut thru anything. Never seen done though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leeave96 488 #14 Posted March 4, 2013 I have heard of spraying a waster mist into the carb of a Kohler engine to decarb it. Never tried it, don't know if it works - never heard if anyone did this opened an engine head, looked at the carbon, put it back together, then sprayed water mist into the carb and re-looked at the head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dieselcowboy 210 #15 Posted March 4, 2013 I went to diesel school out of high school ten years ago and we were taught to do what puddlejumper said only with transmission fluid. So yes it is still a trick of the trade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjstuds 0 #16 Posted March 4, 2013 tankman,is called top engine cleaner. you pour it in and let sit for a while and start it up and it blows all the carbon out the exhaust. hokieag07, this is my first wheel horse how often should you tear it down to check for carbon build up? puddlejumper, i have heard the same thing but instead of water they used transmission fluid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjstuds 0 #17 Posted March 4, 2013 i have another question where can i find a fuel tank meter # 113358 for my 93 520h? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #18 Posted March 5, 2013 i wonder if one of those investigative cameras would show anything in there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rexman72 210 #19 Posted March 5, 2013 welcome to RS 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shynon 7,474 #20 Posted March 5, 2013 Had a neighborhood mechanic that used to pour trans fluid down the carburator on a v-8 until it quit. Let it sit for a few hours, then start it up and run down the road to burn out all the trans fluid.( mosquito control in minnesota) He said it cleaned the carb. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roscoemi 245 #21 Posted March 5, 2013 Back in my Army days, my rig had two 3k generators on a trailer. One night one of my guys swapped out gas cans, using a diesel can. Ran the first gen till it quit and then switched the same can to the second one and ran it till it quit. I got them fired in the morning, and when the smoke cleared I had the best running set of generators in the unit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites