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major pitting/rot? need some help

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hey guys im in the process of restoring my 71' raider 10.  while the trans. is getting rebuilt i decided to sand and paint some stuff. but the hood and foot steps/rests have a lot of pitting. and the hood is rotted through. i was going to use bondo on the hood. then i panted the foot steps/rests and i really didnt like the way it looked with the pitting so i didnt put another coat on. my brother said y dont u paint them more and i said because i want to bondo it. but he said thats not a good idea because since its the foot steps and u will be goin on and off the paint will eventually wear and then u would see bondo not metal. and i agreed with him on that. any one have any ideas for what i could do with the foot steps/rests or should i just leave them??

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If they are that bad, you might put up a want ad here, or look on evilbay for someone parting out one... steps and hood from a Raider, Charger or Electro will all work.  I got a spare hood off evilbay a couple years back that was in great shape.


It's that or become one with a welder and grinder for a while to replace the metal.

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Use bondo, think about it if you wear the paint off your either going to see bare metal or the bondo, either way you will need to repaint them, I know the early foot rest do not use the anti stip tape they are the style with the punched holes sticking up, I did a set and they were pitted but not real bad, so I primed them a few time(with auto primer) and sanded the pits out with the primer, it was a lot of work sanding around all the punched holes, but turned out nice.

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yaa the ones with the holes sticking up are the one i have ill give that a try. any one know where i can get bondo and what kind because i know theres different kinds.

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Bondo, or body filler, try your local auto parts distributor.

Most all of 'em have the stuff. :smile:

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Most any auto parts store will have it, there are many many brands, Bondo, is a name brand, but the name is used as a genral name for all plastic auto body filler, be sure to follow the directions on the can, if you have never used it, you might want to practice on something, and be sure the metal is clean from rust or paint, it can be applied over epoxy primers but that is a two part primer used with a spray gun.  

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I use red spot putty in a tube, works great for pitted metal. Fast and easy, dries quick too. Get it close then prime and sand and prime and sand and prime and sand............ Then it's almost ready for paint. LOL.

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