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Roller chain E-tank or No?

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I picked up a severely neglected 7-1251 36" tiller. The gear box was empty and dry, but rusty. My question is concerning the roller chain, can it be cleaned in my E-tank? I haven't been E-tanking very long just a few days now and I love it! Just unsure of some of the apparent contradictions some have written about hardened steel becoming brittle from "hydrogen embrittlement ". Others talk about saving engines by tanking the whole thing. I also read that a part can be heated to drive all the hydrogen out after tanking it. And if anyone knows, does tanking hurt heat treated steel, like the tiller tines or mower blades? Thanks in advance for advice from a more experienced E-tanker.

Oh, and I have read everything I could find on the subject, but want all the info I can get so suggested reading is welcome.

Thanks again,

Keith (whmaverick)

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Can't answer your other questions, but about the roller chain just replace it with new chain. E-tank it for a spare or to used on the front tires.

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I do not think E-tanking is going to affect your steel at all. The chain will clean up in the tank, but as Don said, buy some new chain and use that as a spare.

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e tank works fine on chains and does no damage, but as suggested if you are cleaning and rebuilding then put a new one on!



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Thanks, for the unanimous input guys, this tiller has almost no use on it, just neglect, sure hate to spend $120.00+ for a new roller chain if I can clean this one, it's got no wear on it. anyway I won't waist anyone's time with pics of a tiller resto., as there are other tiller resto. pics available. Was kinda hoping to glean some thoughts or tips from the E-tank crowd so don't be shy, feelin like I'm reinventing the wheel here, having fun with it though. Just don't want to ruin something expensive if I could get some tips or warnings about specialty pcs.

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You can get roller chain most any farm store or industural supply.


No 40 chain here is $3.53 per ft.

If your chain is not rusted soak it in kerosene or diesel fuel and take a brush to it. Don't see why it would need to be E-tanked.

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