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Charlie Smith

C-120 Restoration

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Charlie Smith

Hello All. Just a few pictures of one of the tractors I've helped restore. Sadly this isn't mine but will be one day :D it's currently my granddads.... When he first brought it.. She never run. Everything was rusted shut... She even had a tree growing out of her. Had been stood for some years... Still not finished due to health issues with my granddad and he wanted to be the one to do the finishing touches which is fair enough.. She wasn't sprayed. She was hand painted.. But still looks rather amazing,. It's the wrong shade of red we think. Only slightly tad bright, and the wheels are too white.... but here's some pictures...

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Look forward to it being stickered up :D

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Charlie Smith

Ill be sure to post pictures. :D

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Lane Ranger

I see you have used the brush method of repainting a Wheel Horse.

We painted one of our working tractors with a can of red paint, used Flood Penetrol and a brush and it went on very smooth.

I like the finish that came out on ours and yours! Looks good and will help keep that tractor going for many more years!

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Looks surprisingly shiny and smooth for a brush on paint job. That should keep the rust at bay!


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Charlie Smith

Thank you everyone, :) and yes we was surprised too. We weren't expecting it to be that glossy/shiney


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Wow, that's a very nice finish for being brush painted... I brush painted my 312 years ago and it never came out looking that good.

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Charlie Smith

Morning. :) and thank you. I've just watched and thumbsed up your new video on youtube. 312-8 winter to summer conversion. Coming on well can't wait for part 2... Really love the stickers. Especially the red square one. -_- I want..... Haha,


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Ken B

Very nice looking C-120.


You can get a very nice finish out of a brush. I have restored some very early race boats using a brush and or the roll and tip method. You couldn't tell the difference. I use only high quality marine paint with excellent self leveling properties. I think Stevebo has seen a race boat or two of mine.... The trick to a nice job is being very selective of the weather (forget nasty hot humid days!) use the best brush you can lay your hands on,  you need to maintain a wet edge and don't rush it!. Back in the 40's and 50's my Dad had some pretty hot cars and they had pretty nice paint jobs. He told me they were all done with a brush, hand sanded and buffed out. That was the way many guys did it back then he says. Another lost art.

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Hi Charlie,

First of all a very nice looking tractor, you have achieved a great finish and it looks great! What paint did you use? Look forward to seeing it all stickered up!


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Charlie Smith

Thank you everyone. And believe it or not Tom. Just brought some red dulex paint off the shelf. :)

Was very similar to that


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you are not the only ones!


my brothers Raider 10 is brush painted, my dads Norlett - and my C-101.  it works if you are patient :)


My C-101 is painted in Crown Flame red - none drip gloss :D








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Very nice - but that green and yeller paint...

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