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SOI University Electrical Departmentt forced to comply

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Save Old Iron

Ahhhh, life is going so smoothly at times it gets scary. The crack SOI University crew of nature's A students had the department running like a fine watch. Clean work areas, great quality posts and top shelf quality assistance going out daily to tractor forums all over the net.






Along comes the dreaded knock on the office door and in walks the inspectors and auditors looking for evidence of our compliance to current day "diversity and sensitivity requirements".


Long story short, we will need to hire a few more "diverse" characters to help out with electrical issues in the tractor world.

With the frequency of battery related issues this time of year, we figured it would be of value to have folks "badgered" a little more into checking their battery capacity before doing any further electrical troubleshooting.


We were sending this guy down to help out Tankman do a battery load test on his 520H. I hope he makes it without falling over into the gutter again.




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Is that a mug of Guiness he,s got ??? That'll smooth out any spikes.

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Can always use "shock" therapy! :smile:

Not quite done, not rushin', but the '90 520-8 is runnin' much better.

I cleaned the three spade connectors on the regulator and replaced a few

female spade connectors. Made a BIG difference. Starts without a jump


Is there a decent aerosol electrical cleaner that might also leave a

protective coating when dry?

TANK goodness for the help at Red Square!

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So Tankman says thanks for the help, I want to send him a nice reply so I head back to my office to have a thank you post put up . The boys from the Graphics Department catch me in the hallway and rib me without mercy about all the new "speeling" errors in my posts - especially since I hired my new personal assistant - I said I'll have a word with her.


At least I don't forget the combination to my safe anymore.

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Save it Save Old Iron. There's no reason to get T'd off at new office gal.

The T didn't go unnoticed, forum members were polite not wanting the new assistant to cry.

And, repeating the request, can you (or your helper) recommend a good aerosol 'lectric cleaner?

Or, is that one of your secrets?

Spill your guts! Everyone knows New Yawkers talk. :smile:

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"can you (or your helper) recommend a good aerosol 'lectric cleaner?"

I'll have a chat with the folks down in the "sprays, ointments, and unguents department" to see what their current recommendations are.


I guess I should be prepared for some shenanigans in that dept too!

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I guess I should be prepared for some shenanigans in that dept too!


Be prepared! Isn't that the BSA motto?

You are correct, lots of shenanagans in the ointment department! :smile:

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You Battery Load Testor could spray the connectors while he's there, then nothing would dare get close to them. :techie-eureka:

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You Battery Load Testor could spray the connectors while he's there, then nothing would dare get close to them. :techie-eureka:


The Battery Badger hasn't shown up yet at Tankman's - so we need to go looking in the gutters for his sorry carcass. Excuse me. I must be "sensitive to his needs." We will have to go and retrieve our new valued employee and offer him "retraining."  I believe they said his excess consumption of adult beverages is now termed to be a "disease" to which we must display a sensitive response. 



Tankman, I stopped off in the spray paint research facility in SOI U






and the new guy just hired under our diversification program (who wishes to remain anonymous for some reason ) says clear lacquer spray paint could be used to coat the exposed parts of any electrical connection to help prevent further corrosion. His resume states he has many accomplishments and experience in "urban beautification" , so I guess I have to trust him. He fusses endlessly over just the right shade of colors, and frankly can get pretty darn annoying to all the other workers in the shop. But hey, we need to be "sensitive to his needs."


Liberal use of any brand dielectric grease will help prevent corrosion within the same connection. Slide some dielectric grease into and onto both sides of the connection and reattach the terminal to the host part.

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you need to send that new guy for some safety training, I dont think those safety glasses are NIOSH approved and where is his respirator.  The battery badger isnt wearing any gloves or face shield, he may create a spark and burn his little paw or get a little caustic material in his eyes. There is some disgrunteled competition around that my turn you into OSHA, whistle blower.com. .You will have to put up gaurdrails and toeboards all through the trees and get all the help little safety harnesses while they are climbing around. :eusa-think: And dont forget to send theMSDS's with the sprays, ointments and punguents. Is there a MSDS for badger piss?(probably)

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I am so sorry,I forgot my own sensitivity training, Make that Badger urine.

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Reading this thread gets my week off to a good start !

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Ed Kennell

:ychain:  :ychain:  :ychain: Can you guys post a schedule?  I;d really like to see one of your live stand-up's.

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Man, I'm sitting here laughing my arse off - or should that be "expressing humorous appreciation at the risk of injuring my glutei maximi"? :ROTF:


Ah, ta heck with political correctness and sensitivity! This thread is just downright funny!  :laughing-lettersrofl:  


~Duff     :thumbs:

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Save it Save Old Iron. There's no reason to get T'd off at new office gal.

The T didn't go unnoticed, forum members were polite not wanting the new assistant to cry.

And, repeating the request, can you (or your helper) recommend a good aerosol 'lectric cleaner?

Or, is that one of your secrets?

Spill your guts! Everyone knows New Yawkers talk. :smile:Hey man! How do us New Yawkers talk man? Gee Man, I didn't know I talk funny man! tumblr_mivdj7mYSu1r41yulo1_500_zpsd118c6

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So the building manager grabs me in the hallway and hands me an itemized bill for installation and maintenance of "ergonomically correct" additions to the work spaces of some of the new employees.  Let's go see what's going on in the tech support cubicles at SOI U.







Running a business gets tougher everyday.


Well enough of that for now. The EPA just called and said they have footage of some employees at the University destroying the environment of a protected species of sand flea out back of the university. Guess I need to check that out too.



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The battery badger isnt wearing any gloves or face shield

Here at work our Electrical Department has been invaded by the Safety Nazi's and are now required to wear Arc Flash protection in the form of,  Full body cotton suits, gloves, Helmet with face shield, Hearing protection and of coarse safety glasses.  All this for any panel over 24V.  We figured out the other day that technically to operate a 110V light switch we need a full space suit. 

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Is there any question why china can produce and ship over here cheaper than we can do it ourselves. Every time I get around this type stuff,I think of a comical drawing I saw years ago of a osha approved cowboy.Oh lord that poor horse. Theres a few companys around here that you cant clean your fingernails with a pocket Knife. If you have a knife you gotta have gloves on. And if your workmate sees you do it and turns you in he gets a bonus on his check that week. :soapbox: .Between hard hat ans safety glasses, and a visit from osha while putting a storm  drain manhole in about a month ago 5foot 4inches deep in the ground this is a pretty sore subject for me at the moment the first 5 feet wasnt bad but that last 4 inches is getting expensive.

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Watch you belt buckles!! We had a contractor at work get burned bad a couple of weeks ago when his belt got too close to some live mains!!

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since i work for a car wash manufacturer we do service and installation of car washes as well as manufacturing. 

a few years ago PETRO CANADA went on a safety RAMPAGE. One of the suggestions was to be tied off for ANY work over 5'

high.They suggested running a bar down the center of the wash bay too tie off to. I thought i was going to pea

myself i laughed so hard.The wash bay is at least 12 feet high and minimum 15 feet wide. SO picture this......

your 10 feet up a ladder on one side of the bay, tied off to the center . How would their lawyers like it when you fell off the ladder and SLAMMED the wall (or a piece of equipment) on the other side of the tunnel ????? DUUHHHHH

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What do you have your ladder tied off to. That is a requirement.

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I would just strap it too the closest gas line !!!!

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