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When you guys trailer you 8 spd horses from place to place do you leave the tractor in gear with ebrake on strapped down or leave in neutral. I was wondering if left in gear could it hurt anything ?

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in gear, with brake locked, then tied down

you will not damage anything

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Depends on where it is placed on the trailer. If I drive it to the front of the trailer, I place the front tires against the front rail of the trailer until they slightly compress, and leave it in 1st gear. Then I use a minimum of 3 straps. Tractors placed further back are driven up to a 4 x 4 that is placed in front of the front wheels then I place another one behind the rear, leave in gear and strap with 4 straps. I don't set the brake.

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If the tractor is strapped down properly there is no need to leave it in gear, but with that said I almost always leave them in gear to keep them still when strapping or unstrapping the machine, again if strapped down good it can't move and will cause no problems.

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I lock mine down with gear and brake and tie it down too.

One thing I do - do is let the mower deck down to the ground so it's not hanging from the tractor and bouncing as I drive down life's highway...;)

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I've trailered three horses from Southern PA and CT to Central Ontario, two hydros and an 8 speed. (Three different trips) I used two cargo straps and a 3rd for safety.  I use the front axle as my main stress point winching the front wheels to the inside front of my trailer and a strap across the console with a pad under to avoid scuffing.  Brake on.  If you winch that way there is no stress on the transmission. I winch forward to a stop and then apply down pressure.  Have not had a problem.  I would not put the 8 speed in gear until the tractor was strapped into position.

Edited by Hydro

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can whlvr

as all have said its not gonna hurt to on  leave it in gear if its not moving around on the trailer

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Might as well chime in on my experience -- I have been hauling my 310-8 back and forth (350 mi round trip) from my Dad's place up to maybe 7or 8 times a year for 15 years and the last 12 or so on a trailer -- I use 4 straps (2 without rachets attached to be back axle and eye bolts thru the 2 x 12 back 'gate') (2 with rachets attached to the front axles, around front posts on the trailer and then back to the axles) -- So when I am tightening the rachets, I obviously have the brake off and out of gear -- Once everything is tightened up I always put it in gear and set the brake; never thought about damaging the transmission -- Sure doesn't seem to have hurt anything over the years -- For what it is worth I put a couple of bunge cords around the seat to the hitch to keep it from flopping aroung -- I have been intermitenant in letting the deck down, but I like the thought given above about dropping it so it is not being supported by the lift all the time you are bouncing around on the highway

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Straps, brake and in gear.

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In gear, strapped.

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Save Old Iron

I am at a loss to what benefit there is to have the tractor in gear if it is secured. 

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We always strap down while the tractor is out of gear. then put them in low gear and don't set the brake. We use 2000lb straps made to size. They ain't going anywhere

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