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Better muffler for a GT14?

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Can you guys recommend a better muffler (aka queiter!) for the GT14 than the standar pancake thingy? This thing is pretty loud, and I'd liek to tame it down a bit.

I'm open to either a small replacement that works better, or even installing a "stack" type if it just screws on and makes it queiter.

Thanks for the help!

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They have threads on both sides, same size? And then what muffler at that end?

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Here are a couple of pics of the one I made for my GT. This is about 3/4 done at the time of pics. I have since finished it. I will get pics of it done tomorrow.



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Iggy, is it much queiter with that?

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Here is a short video, if I did it right. I wasn't necessarily going for quiet.


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That sounds great... your motor sounds great. I've got to get mine sounding that good. I need somebody to come take a look at it and tune it up.

So did you weld that up? I'd like something I can just screw on... do you know if anyone makes a screw on stack?

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The stack started out much bigger. It for a larger tractor, something like an Allis Chalmers B. I cut it down and welded it up. I have it muffler clamped on the nipple that comes out of the block. I also made a bracket to support it at the elbow. I will get more pics tomorrow. It wasn't that difficult to make up.

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artfull dodger

You must becareful hanging that kind of weight that far out from the block without some extra support near the elbow up to the stack. Broken blocks happen much easier than you realize. I gave up on stacks, to much exhaust in the face, burnt hands or arms when not paying attention to the hot muffler behind or near me. I would recommend picking up one of the horizontal muffflers from a 312-8/314-8/416-8 with the single cylinder engine. Nice nelson muffler, quiet with forward facing turnout. Same basic design as the 520's muffler but a tad smaller and designed for the Kohler exhaust pipe position. Would quiet it down and not put undue stress on the block. Mike

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Thanks mike, where can I get one of those?

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You could try one of these that was in another thread.....have to cut the little bracket off the side......sand and paint.....clamp it on a nipple......a quick short stack.....cheap too...

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artfull dodger

They cheapest place to find that muffler is to watch ebay. The other muffler mentioned above is for a gravely tractor. They sell for around 40 bucks localy. Here is the gravely muffler: http://www.ebay.com/itm/GRAVELY-LAWN-TRACTOR-8122-8123-8163-B-MUFFLER-/121066494124?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c302018ac The exhaust enters thru the side and out the end. You can turn it forward and put a turn out on it, or point it upwards and use either a piece of bathroom hand rail or the chrome "J" trap cut into a turnout for a stack topper. I dont see any of the Wheel Horse specific mufflers I mentioned on ebay right now. You can try a wanted post on here for one or call/email Joe's Outdoor Power, he may have one. Mike

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Here are more pics. I have it supported pretty well. It is solid.




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Alrighty then, I believe if you go to Tractor Supply you can get that muffler for around $25 or so, get the flapper that goes on top. I am sure if you need to add a support there will be ways of doing such. Then go by a Lowe's or H.D. and go to there black pipe area, figure out what size you need and the length. Throw it together. Souldn't be much of a problem. If I can do it, I am sure someone else can do the same.(Hint,Hint) Now I am really going to mess with ya. I've picked a few good deals over my time in this fine Hobby of ours.

Nothing here is FOR SALE. Don't ask it's Not going to happen!


Edited by Brrly1

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