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P'Chop plowing III

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We were in Saginaw for the weekend to see my father in law, so when we got back Chop was bouncing off the walls with from not doing much. Got him out plowing to burn some energy! :happy-jumpeveryone: The snow was kinda heavy and wet as the temp was above freezing, so I had him dump it at the end of the drive so I could use the blower to shoot it up the banks. I had him running the video for my seat time, but he only got the last 45 seconds. :eusa-think: I think I see a pattern forming! The family asked the wife about shoveling snow, but she shook her head and mumbled something about dealing with a couple kids and their toys. :confusion-helpsos: I did find out that the blower will shoot a newspaper into the neighbors yard so Catman (don't ask) now has two. A tall shoot might have got me enough distance to get it a couple yards down. :woohoo: So here's the Chop burning energy:

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Atta Boy Chop!-Darnd ole tranny just wouldn't shift right Huh! Listen to Dad-he's telling you right-don't grind em. If you take care of your machines-they will take care of you. I suspect you were having a hard time pushing clutch pedal in all the way-ask Dad, maybe you and him can adjust it up for you.-Great job!

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Great video! Looks like he has complete control of the tractor and is concentrating on what he's doing. He's a fine tractor operator fer sure!


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